First Strategy Communications*
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No warranty for correctness & completeness!
This site will be updated with no ads and linked to its KMedu opportunities
as soon as the provider subscribes to this service!
(sample pages: training, university, community, conference)
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First Strategy Communications offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- ICT4 Construction Conference**
The ICT4 Construction conferences are designed for all construction professionals that are interested in learning more about how the latest IT and Communications technology can help deliver more efficient and cost effective projects in all sectors of the supply chain. There is a series of one day conferences, each covering an ICT theme relevant to the construction industry, combining a mixture of industry expert, solution provider and end user presentations to offer a clear and up to date picture of how these latest tools and techniques will be of benefit.- Project Collaboration Technology, 28th October 2010, London, UK
- Document & Knowledge Management Technology, 25th March 2011, London, UK
- Mobile Computing, 22nd July 2011, London, UK
Web Channels