Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM Ahmedabad)*
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The Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM Ahmedabad or IIMA; Hindi: भारतीय प्रबंध संस्थान, अहमदाबाद) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Executive Education
Management Development Programmes
- Knowledge Management programme (6 days)
Corporate and competitive strategic context of knowledge management
Types of knowledge and implications for knowledge management
Design of knowledge management centric organizational structure, culture, and processes
Role of information and communication technologies
Corporate innovations and knowledge creation
Knowledge protection and issues in Intellectual Property Rights
Measuring the effectiveness of knowledge management
Knowledge management: Indian experiences - Workshop on Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital and Organizational Knowledge (4 days)
Areas of cross-border contestation in strategic management of intellectual capital and IPR protection thresholds and limits
Assumptions and considerations underlying designs and patterns of management processes, organization structures, and control systems
Knowledge creation, intellectual capital protection and its leveraging, managerial productivity, and complex contracting
How social capital and intellectual capital enmesh through hermeneutic processes
Course Material
Case Studies
Knowledge Management at Tata Chemicals Mithapur, March 2016
Use of Technology and Beyond : Creating Euroshare for Knowledge Management at Eureka Forbes 2002-2004, September 2012
Managing Knowledge of Field Staff : Creating Knowledge Management Process at Eureka Forbes, September 2012
ONGC: Towards a Blueprint for Knowledge Management (A), September 2010
Managing Contribution to the Organization: Knowledge Management at Tata Steel, August 2010
Knowledge Management at Infosys Technologies Limited, August 2010
Designing Knowledge Management Process at Infosys Technology Limited, August 2010