International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC)*
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The International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), successor of the International Semantic Web Working Symposium (SWWS) and the International Workshop series on the Semantic Web (SemWeb), is an international forum, for the Semantic Web / Linked Data Community.
ISWC is a 3 days conference with 2 days pre-conference tutorials and workshops and a pre-conference doctoral consortium day. The technical program of the conference regularly consists of a research track, a semantic web in-use track, an industry track, an “ideas” track (successor of Lightning Talks), poster and demo sessions, and Semantic Web Challenge sessions.
The organizaion of ISWC is supervided by the Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA).
Conference History:
24th ISWC 2025, November 2-6, 2025, Nara, Japan
(Host: Faculty of Information and Communication Engineerin, Osaka Electro-Communication University)
Conference program TBD
23rd ISWC 2024, 11-15 November 2024, Baltimore, USA
(Host: Knowledge, Analytics, Cognitive and Cloud Lab, Department of Information Systems, College of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Maryland-Baltimore County)
Main Track Sessions:
Data Integration
Entity Linking
Information Extraction
Digital Trust
Machine Learning for Graphs
Data Quality
Link Prediction
Language Models
Web Data
Industry Session
Posters & Demos
Special Sessions:
Benchmarking & Reproducibility in Gen AI for Knowledge Engineering
2nd Language Models for Knowledge Base Construction (LM-KBC)
19th Ontology Matching (OM)
3rd Semantic Industrial Information Modelling (SemIIM)
4th Scientific Knowledge Representation, Discovery, and Assessment (Sci-K)
15th Ontology Design and Patterns (WOP)
9th Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies, Linked Data and Knowledge Graphs (VOILA)
1st Software Lifecycle Management for Knowledge Graphs (SofLiM4KG)
1st Retrieval-Augmented Generation Enabled by Knowledge Graphs (RAGE-KG)
Doctoral Consortium
Semantic Web Callenges:
The Second Scholarly Question Answering over Linked Data (QALD) Challenge and Anomaly Detection on Dynamic Knowledge Graphs (ADDKG)
Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching (SemTab)
The Large Language Models for Ontology Learning 2024 Challenge (LLMs4OL)
Knowledge Base Construction from Pretrained Language Models (LM-KBC)
Knowledge Graphs in the era of Large Language Models
Retrieve (and Leverage) the Inner Graph Behind the Data
Knowledge as Infrastructure – and a National Research Resource
Semantic Web and AI: Can we finally realize the original vision?
Co-located Conferences:
National Science Foundation’s Open Knowledge Network (NSF OKN) Symposium, Nov 12
22nd ISWC 2023, 6-10 November 2023, Athens, Greece
(Host: Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus; Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas)
Track Sessions:
Ontologies and Knowledge Graphs
Search, Retrieval and SPARQL
Knowledge Extraction
Knowledge Graph Embeddings
Internet of Things
Link Prediction
Reification and Temporal Reasoning
Entity Alignment
EU Projects
Ontology engineering and ontology patterns
Linked Data in action
Doctoral Consortium Sessions
Pre-conference Tutorials:
Knowing Where via Knowledge Graph–based GeoEnrichment
Neuro-Symbolic AI for Industry 4.0 (NeSyAI4)
Pre-conference Workshops:
14th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns (WOP 2023)
Knowledge Base Construction from Pre-trained Language Models (KBC-LM)
7th Workshop on Storing, Querying and Benchmarking Knowledge Graphs (QuWeDa 2023)
8th International Workshop on Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies, Linked Data and Knowledge Graphs (VOILA)
Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web (MEPDaW’23)
Wikidata workshop 2023
Workshop on Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs (DL4KG)
18th International Workshop on Ontology Matching (OM)
2nd International Workshop on Semantic Industrial Information Modelling (SemIIM)
3rd International Workshop on Semantic Web and Ontology Design for Cultural Heritage (SWODCH 2023)
Semantic Web Callenges:
LM-KBC: Knowledge Base Construction from Pretrained Language Models
The Scholarly QALD Challenge
SemTab 2023: Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching
Semantic Reasoning Evaluation Challenge (SemREC 2023)
Neuro-Symbolic AI
Knowledge Graphs in the Age of Large Language Models
Semantic Web Research in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence
ChatGLM: An Alternative to ChatGPT
21st ISWC 2022, 23-27 October 2022, Hangzhou, China Virtual venue
(Host: College of Computer Science and Technologies, Zhejiang University)
Track Sessions:
Knowledge Graph Construction & Use; Knowledge Graph Completeness; Embeddings, Ontologies & Knowledge Graphs for Manufacturing; Biomedicat Ontologies & Knowledge Graphs; Linked Data; NLP; Ontologies; Querying; Knowledge Graph Refinement & Scale; Temporal Knowledge Graphs; Learning Representations; Graph Validation; Industry Track Sessions; Poster & Demo Session / Lightning Talks
Pre-conference Tutorials:
Knowledge-aware Zero-shot Learning (K-ZSL): Concepts, Methods and Resources
Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Earth Observation Data (AI4EO)
A Beginner’s Guide to Reasoning: How to reason your way to better data
Tutorial on Semantic Schema Discovery: Principles, Methods and Future Research Directions
Knowledge-infused Learning for Autonomous Driving (KL4AD)
Pre-conference Workshops:
17th International Workshop on Ontology Matching (OM)
International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Legal Documents (AI4LEGAL)
8th Workshop on Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web (MEPDaW)
6th Workshop on Storing, Querying and Benchmarking Knowledge Graphs (QuWeDa)
7th International Workshop on Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data (VOILA)
Musical Heritage Knowledge Graphs
International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Summarization (KGSum)
Workshop on Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs (DL4KG)
Wikidata Workshop
13th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns (WOP)
Doctoral Consortium
Semantic Web Challenges:
Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching (SemTab 2022)
Semantic Reasoning Evaluation Challenge (SemREC 2022)
Knowledge Base Construction from Pre-trained Language Models (LM-KBC)
Subtasks for Question Answering over Knowledge Graph (SMART Task 3.0)
Is the Deep Learning Hype Good or Bad for the Semantic Web?
Knowledge Graphs for the Physical World: What’s Missing?
AI Ethics in the Semantic Web
Circular Health
Data, Ontologies, Rules, and the Return of the Blank Node
Co-located Conferences:
11th International Joint Conference On Knowledge Graphs (IJCKG 2022), Oct 27-29
20th ISWC 2021, 24-28 October 2021, Troy/Albany, NY, USA Virtual venue
(Host: Institute for Data Exploration and Applications, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Track Sessions:
Society and Semantic Technologies; Learning from Wikidata; Semantic Integration; Knowledge Graph Embeddings; Data Transformation; Ontologies; Information Extraction; Data Analytics; Towards Better Reproducibility (Missions Track); Posters & Demos
Pre-conference Tutorials (Oct 24-25):
Tools for Creating and Exploiting Large Knowledge Graphs (KGTK)
Completeness, Recall, and Negation in Open-World Knowledge Bases
Semantic Web for E-Government
Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 24-25):
Wikidata Workshop (WD-WS)
Workshop on data and research objects management for linked open science (DaMaLOS)
12th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns
Fourth International Workshop on Semantic Web Meets Health Data Management (SWH)
Joint Workshop on Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems and Storing, Querying and Benchmarking the Web of Data (SSWS+QuWeDa) (CANCELLED )
Workshop on Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs (DL4KG)
5th (Online) International Workshop on Semantic Web solutions for large-scale biomedical data analytics (SeWeBmeDA) (CANCELLED)
7th Workshop on Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web (MEPDaW)
6th International Workshop on Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data (VOILA)
The Sixteenth International Workshop on Ontology Matching (OM)
Doctoral Consortium (Oct 25)
Semantic Web Challenges:
SemTab: Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching
Semantic Reasoning Evaluation Challenge (SemREC)
SMART 2021: Semantic Answer Type and Relation Prediction Task
Semantic Food Q&A Task (CANCELLED)
Operationalizing Linked Data in Mobile Apps Using MIT App Inventor’s Punya (CANCELLED)
All the Agents Challenge (ATAC)
Semantic Web Vision and Revision
Building Data Equity Systems
Society Rules – How should Semantic Web be disciplined?
19th ISWC 2020, November 1-6, 2020, Athens, Greece Virtual venue
(Host: Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Nov 1-2):
A Data Science Pipeline for Big Linked Earth Observation Data; Scalable RDF Analytics with SANSA; Knowledge Graph Construction using Declarative Mapping Rules; Building Mobile Semantic Web Apps with Punya; Pattern-based knowledge base construction (OTTR); SPARQL Endpoints and Web API (SWApi); Common Sense Knowledge Graphs (CSKGs); Semantic Explainability For All – SEMEX4ALL; How to build large knowledge graphs efficiently (LKGT); Shapes applications and tools
Pre-conference Workshops (Nov 1-2):
11th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns (WOP 2020); 4th Workshop on Storing, Querying, and Benchmarking the Web of Data; The Semantic Web in Practice: Tools and Pedagogy (PRAXIS); 6th Workshop on Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web (MEPDaW 2020); 13th International Workshop on Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems (SSWS2020); Third International Workshop on Semantic Web Meets Health Data Management (SWH 2020); Wikidata Workshop; The Sixth International Workshop on Natural Language Interfaces for the Web of Data (NLIWOD) JOINT WORKSHOP WITH 7th International Workshop on Dataset PROFlLing and Search (PROFILES 2020); VOILA 2020 – 5th International Workshop on Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data; International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Legal Documents (AI4LEGAL); The Fifteenth International Workshop on Ontology Matching (OM-2020); Semantics for Online Misinformation Detection, Monitoring, and Prediction; First workshop on Research data* management for linked open science (DaMaLOS)
Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (Nov 3)
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning; Knowledge Graphs; Knowledge Graphs In-use; Information Retrieval and Semantic Analysis; Scholarly Data; SHACL – Satisfiability and Containment; Data Mining and Knowledge-driven Machine Learning; Programming the Semantic Web; Knowledge Enhanced Learning; Search, Query, Integration, and Analysis; Data Streams; Reasoning In-use; Knowledge Driven Natural Language Processing; Ontology Engineering; Ontology Mapping, Merging, and Alignment; Industry Sessions; Robust and Scalable Management of Semantics and Data; Machine Learning for the Semantic Web; Open Data; Question Answering; In-use Applications; Posters & Demos
Semantic Web Challenges:
SMART: SeMantic AnsweR Type prediction task; SemTab: Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching; MINING: Mining the Web of HTML-embedded Product Data
Vision Track 1+2
Knowledge graphs – where do we go from here?; Knowledge-based Biomedical Data Science; Transform Healthcare by Combining Knowledge Graph and Deep Learning Technologies
18th ISWC 2019, October 26–30, 2019, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Conference Theme: Knowledge Graphs, Linked Data, Linked Schemas and AI on the Web
(Host: Department of Computer Science, University of Auckland)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Oct 26-27):
Building Decentralized Applications with Solid and Comunica (SOCOM); Scalable construction of sustainable knowledge bases Seminar; Blockchain technologies and the Semantic Web; An Introduction to GraphQL; Linked Data: Querying, Reasoning, and Benchmarking; Semantic Web and Provenance for Scientific Reproducibility (SPSR); Linked Data: Querying, Reasoning, and Benchmarking; Knowledge Graphs: How did we get here? A Half Day Tutorial on the History of Knowledge Graph’s Main Ideas
Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 26-27):
OM-2019: The Fourteenth International Workshop on Ontology Matching; SWH 2019: Second International Workshop on Semantic Web Meets Health Data Management; QuWeDa 2019: 3rd Workshop on Querying and Benchmarking the Web of Data; The 4th International Workshop on Semantics-Powered Data Mining and Analytics (SEPDA 2019); BlockSW 2019: Blockchain enabled Semantic Web Workshop; 10th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns (WOP) 2019; 3rd Workshop on Semantic Web solutions for large-scale biomedical data analytics (SeWeBMeDA-19); Second International Workshop on Contextualized Knowledge Graphs (CKG 2019); 7th International Workshop on Semantic Statistics (SemStats 2019); SEMEX2019: 1st Workshop on Semantic Explainability; PROFILES 2019, The 6th International Workshop on Dataset PROFlLing and Search
Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (Oct 27)
Knowledge Graph Embeddings; Interpretable Search & Recommendation; Veracity; Industry: (1) Knowledge Graph building, (2) Question Answering and Search, (3) Integration and Fusion, (4) Services; Integration and Fusion; Data Quality; Textual Data; Deep Learning; Distributed Reasoning; Linked Data; Reasoning; Distributed Querying; Knowledge Graph building; SHACL & Validation; Ontology design; Ontologies & Integration; SPARQL; Domain Ontologies; Knowledge graph querying; Information Extraction; Question Answering; Scientific Knowledge; Linked Data Analytics & Dynamics; Events; Posters and Demos
Semantic Web Challenges:
Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching; Fact Validation
Outrageous Ideas Track
Minute Madness Session
Panel Discussions:
Semantic Technologies: a Chat with Industry (Industry); How much semantics goes how long a way; How to make Semantic Web Research Outrageous? (Outrageous Ideas)
Semantics: The business technology disruptor of the future; For knowledge; Extracting Knowledge from the Data Deluge to Reveal the Mysteries of the Universe
17th ISWC 2018, October 8-12, 2018, Monterey, California, USA
(Host: Center for Biomedical Informatics Research, Stanford University)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Oct 8-9):
Methods and Tools for Modular Ontology Modeling; Crowdsourcing with CrowdTruth; Hybrid techniques for knowledge-based NLP – Knowledge graphs meet machine learning and all their friends; Building Enterprise-Ready Knowledge Graph Applications in the Cloud (EKG); Validating RDF data; Challenges and Opportunities with Big Linked Data Visualization
Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 8-9):
VOILA: Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data; Decentralizing the Semantic Web (DeSemWeb); THE Workshop – Open Problems and Emerging New Topics in Semantic Web Technology; Ontology Matching (OM) w. Posters & Demos; Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep); Semantic Statistics (SemStats); Ontology Design and Patterns (WOP) w. Posters & Demos; Natural Language Interfaces for the Web of Data (NLIWOD) and Question Answering over Linked Data (QALD) challenge; Semantic Web Technologies for Health Data Management (SWH); Semantic Sensor Networks (SSN); Contextualized Knowledge Graphs (CKG); Augmenting Intelligence with Humans-in-the-Loop (HumL); Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems (SSWS) w. Posters & Demos; Enabling Open Semantic Science (SemSci); Semantic Applications for Audio and Music (SAAM); Semantic Web for Social Good (SWSG)
Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (Oct 9)
Entity Recognition and Linking; Languages; Querying; Industry Sessions; Knowledge Access; Ontologies & Data Integration; Ontologies & Linked Data; Semantics and Truthfulness; Embeddings and Deep Learning; Information Extraction; Scholarly Data; Querying; Healthcare Applications; Posters & Demos
Semantic Web Challenges:
Knowledge Graphs
Blue Sky Ideas Track 1+2
Minute Madness Session
Panel Discussions:
Enterprise-scale Knowledge Graphs (Blue Sky Ideas)
Personal Data, Privacy, and the (Semantic) Web; Not Linked Data is Data, Too; Socially Intelligent Robotics
16th ISWC 2017, October 21-25, 2017, Vienna, Austria
(Host: Institute for Information Business, Vienna University of Economics & Business; Information & Software Engineering Group, Vienna University of Technology; SBA Research)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Oct 21-22):
Constructing Domain-specific Knowledge Graphs (KGC); How to Build a Stream Reasoning Application (StreamApp); HDT: Queryable Compression Format for Linked Data (HDT); Methods and Tools for Developing Ontology-Based Data Access Solutions (MT4OBDA); Semantic Data Management in Practices (SemDaPra); Semantic Web meets Internet of Things (IoT) and Web of Things (WoT) (SWoTIoT); Representation and Querying for Linked Geospatial Data (ReQuLGD)
Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 21-22):
Hybrid Statistical Semantic Understanding and Emerging Semantics (HSSUES); Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data (VOILA); Ontology Design and Patterns (WOP); Semantics for Biodiversity (S4BioDiv); Ontology Matching (OM); Humanities in the Semantic Web (WHiSe); Enabling Open Semantic Science (SemSci); Semantic Statistics (SemStats); Dataset PROFlLing and fEderated Search for Web Data (PROFILES); Decentralizing the Semantic Web (DeSemWeb); Re-coding Black Mirror (BlkMirror); Society, Privacy and the Semantic Web – Policy and Technology (PrivOn); Semantic Web Technologies for the IoT (SWIT); Linked Data for Information Extraction (LD4IE); Ontology Modularity, Contextuality, and Evolution (WOMoCoE); Benchmarking Linked Data (BLINK); Natural Language Interfaces for the Web of Data (NLIWOD); Web Stream Processing (WSP); (CANCELLED) Managing Changes in the Semantic Web (MaCSeW)
Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (Oct 22)
Data Quality; Reasoning; Multilinguality; Open Government, Risk and Compliance; Ontology Engineering; Ontology-Based Data Access; Ontologies and Datasets; Multimodal Linked Data; Alignment; Industry, Manufacturing and Automation; Publishing & Healthcare; Knowledge Mining; Querying: Benchmarks and Tools; Querying; Linking; Description Logics; Learning; Biomedical and Scientific Applications; Embeddings and Deep Learning; Languages; Federation; Posters and Demos
Semantic Web Challenges:
Tasks for building large-scale knowledge graphs
ISWC Jam Session
Lightning Talks
Minute Madness Session
Ontologies for the Modern Age; From Relational to Semantic Data Mining; Applied semantics: beyond the catalog
15th ISWC 2016, October 17-21, 2016, Kobe, Japan
(Host: Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Oct 17-18):
Ontology Design Patterns for Linked Data Publishing; 2nd Tutorial on RDF-Stream Processing (RSP 2016); Link Discovery – Algorithms, Approaches and Benchmarks; Semantic Web meets Internet of Things (IoT) and Web of Things (WoT); SPARQL Querying Benchmarks
Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 17-18):
7th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP2016); First International Workshop on Biomedical Data Integration and Discovery (BMDID 2016); VOILA 2016 Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data; The 7th International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD 2016); 11th International Workshop on Ontology Matching (OM-2016); Linked Data for Information Extraction – LD4IE2016; The KÉKI Workshop 2016 – Uses of Linguistic Linked Open Data; Intelligent Exploration of Semantic Data (IESD 2016); NLP & DBpedia 2016; Fourth International Workshop on Semantic Statistics (SemStats 2016); Society, Privacy and the Semantic Web – Policy and Technology; Workshop on Benchmarking Linked Data (BLINK); Stream Reasoning 2016; LinkedStartup Workshop; 12th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2016); SWIT – SemanticWeb technologies for the IoT; (CANCELLED) 6th Workshop on Linked Science 2016 – Supporting collaboration and learning in e-research infrastructures; (CANCELLED) Mining Big Text Data for Semantics (M4S): and it applications in Finance and Healthcare; (CANCELLED) SALSA 2016 1st Workshop on SociAL Semantic Analysis; (CANCELLED) Second Workshop on Mobile Deployments of Semantic Technologies (MoDeST)
Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (Oct 18)
Knowledge Graph; Knowledge Representation; Interaction; Multilinguality; Querying; Querying/SPARQL; Smart Planet; Ontologies; Ontology Matching; Linked Data; Streams; Search; Linked Data Measurement; Embeddings & Neural Approaches; Data Mining; Natural Language Processing; Medical Applications; Enriching Data Sources; Reasoning; Posters and Demos
Lightning Talks
Minute Madness Session
Special event session
Semantic Web Science Association Dissertation Award Winner
Selected workshop reports
At the Intersection of Data Science and Language; Is the Semantic Web what we expected? Adoption Patterns and Content-driven Challenges; Artificial Intelligence to Win the Nobel Prize and Beyond: Creating the Engine for Scientific Discovery
14th ISWC 2015, October 11-15, 2015, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA
(Host: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Lehigh University)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Oct 11-12):
Stream Reasoning for Linked Data (SR4LD); The Web of Data for E-Commerce for Researchers and Practitioners; OWL Distilled; Federated Query Processing over Linked Data; Rapid Development of Mobile Linked Data Applications; Ontology Design Principles in Support of the Analyst; Provenance Analysis and RDF Query Processing; Ontology-based Data Access (OBDA)
Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 11-12):
Linked Education (LINKed); Natural Language Processing (NLP) & DBPedia; Semantic Statistics (SemStats); Ontology & Semantic Web Patterns (WOP); Visualisations and User Interfaces (VOILA); Trust of Open Data (METHOD); Natural Language Interfaces for Web of Data (NLIWoD 2015);Semantic Sensors and Terra Cognita (SSN-TC); BioMedical Data (BDM2I); Mobile Deployment of Semantic Web Tech (MoDeST); Semantic Web Business: Lessons from the Trenches (WaSABi);Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Based Systems (SSWS); (CANCELLED) Developers Workshop; Consuming Linked Data (COLD); Intelligent Exploration of Semantic Data (IESD); Linked Data for Information Extraction (LD4IE); Ontology Matching (OM); Semantics for Smart Cities (S4SC); Diversity++; Society and Privacy SW (PrivOn); Ordering and Reasoning (OrdRing); Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW); Linked Science (LISC)
Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (Oct 12)
Industry: (1) Enterprise Applications, (2) Linked Data Applications, (3) Analysis and Discovering; Linked Data; Querying Linked Data; Internet of Things and Sensors; Ontology Based Data Access and Data Integration; SPARQL; Reasoning; Entity Resolution and Linking; Knowledge Graphs; Instance Matching and Reasoning; Scientific Data; Ontology Alignment; Ontology Extraction and Generation; Dealing with RDF Data; Posters and Demos
Lightning Talks
Why Harmonized Data Matters: Semantics and Inference Processing in Finance; Representation and Reasoning with Universal Schema Embeddings; Build it, and they will come: Applications of semantic technology
13th ISWC 2014, October 19-23, 2014, Riva del Garda, Trentino, Italy
(Host: Bruno Kessler Foundation)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Oct 19-20):
Semantic Annotation of Social Media; Building the Multilingual Web of Data; Stream Reasoning for Linked Data; Large Scale Reasoning over Semantic Data; Ontology Matching; Instance Matching Benchmarks for Linked Data; Re-using Media on the Semantic Web; Apache Marmotta
Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 19-20):
Consuming Linked Data; Context, Interpretation and Meaning; (CANCELLED) High-Performance Computing for the Semantic Web; Intelligent Exploration of Semantic Data; ISWC Developers Workshop; Linked Learning meets LinkedUp: Learning and Education with the Web of Data; Linked Data for Information Extraction; Linked Science; Methods for Establishing Trust of (Open) Data; Natural Language Interfaces for Web of Data; NLP & DBpedia; Ontology Matching; Ordering and Reasoning; Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns; Privacy Online Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems; Semantics for Smarter Cities; Semantic Sensor Networks; Semantic Statistics; Semantic Web Collaborative Spaces; Surfacing the Deep and the Social Web; Terra Cognita; Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web
Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (Oct 20)
Data Integration & Link Discovery in Life Sciences; Querying; NLP & IEs; Data Integration & Link Discovery; Sensors; Reasoning; User Interaction & Personalization; Linked Data & Data Quality; Industry Track: (1) Regular Talks, (2) Pechakucha Sessions; SPARQL Extensions; Large-scale RDF Processing & Dataset Availability; Ontology Alignment & Modularization; OBDA & Query Rewriting; Linked Data; Mobile Reasoning & SPARQL Updates; Social Media; Semantic Infrastructures & Streams
Semantic Web Challenge
Minute Madness
LinkedUp Madness
Lightning Talks
Web Search – From The Noun to The Verb; The Semantic Web in an Age of Open Data; To be or to do?: The Semantics for Smart Cities and Communities”
12th ISWC 2013, October 21-25, 2013, Sydney, NSW, Australia
(In conjunction with the 1st Australasian Semantic Web Conference; Host: Web Directions)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Oct 21-22):
Big Data Management Tutorial ; Hands-on Guide to Linked Data Applications; Linked Data for Web Scale Information Extraction; Microtask crowdsourcing to solve Semantic Web problems; Modelling Ontologies Visually; Relational Database to RDF (RDB2RDF) Tutorial: The new R2RML and Direct Mapping Standards, from Semantics to Practice; Stream Reasoning for Linked Data; The Mobile Semantic Web; The Web of Things
Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 21-22):
1st International Workshop on Semantic Music and Media (SMAM2013); 1st International Workshop on Semantic Statistics (SemStats 2013); 2nd International Workshop on Ordering and Reasoning (OrdRing 2013); 3rd International Workshop on Detection, Representation, and Exploitation of Events in the Semantic Web (DeRiVE 2013); 3rd International Workshop on Linked Science 2013 (LISC2013) – Supporting Reproducibility, Scientific Investigations and Experiments; 4th International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD2013) – 2013 Special Theme: Towards Industrial Linked Data Ecosystems; 4th Workshop on Ontology Patterns (WOP2013); 6th International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks; 8th International Workshop on Ontology Matching (OM-2013); 9th International Workshop on Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems (SSWS2013); 9th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2013); CrowdSem: Crowdsourcing the Semantic Web; DBpedia & NLP 2013; LD4IE – Linked Data for Information Extraction; Semantic Machine Learning and Linked Open Data Application (SML2OD2013) for Agricultural and Environmental Informatics; Society, Privacy and the Semantic Web – Policy and Technology; WaSABi: Workshop on Semantic Web Enterprise Adoption and Best Practice
Pre-conference Events (Oct 21):
Australasian Semantic Web Conference birds-of-a-feather(BOF) meeting, Semantic Web meetup & Unconference
Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (Oct 22)
Semantic Web Landscape; Geo-Spatial Semantics; Natural Language Processing; Reasoning; Life Science; Search; Streams; SPARQL; Data Management & Exploration; Multilingual Semantics; Logic; Industry Track Sessions; Ontology Mapping; Query; Knowledge Discovery; Linked Data; Licensing and Confidentiality Models; Crowd-sourced semantics; Knowledge Extraction; Data Access; Posters & Demos
Semantic Web Challenge
Minute Madness
Light at the End of the Tunnel; Progress in Open-World, Integrative, Transparent, Collaborative Science Data Platforms; Semantic Big Data in Australia – from Dingoes to Drysdale
11th ISWC 2012, November 11-15, 2012, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
(Host: Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Nov 11-12):
Semantic Web Rules; The Web of Data for E-Commerce in Brief; (CANCELLED) Financial IM; Machine Learning on Linked Data: Tensors and their Applications in Graph-Structured Domains; Getting to know PROV – the W3C Provenance Specifications; Scalable semantic processing of huge, distributed real-time streams; LL-NLP Tutorial: What to do with long literals? Ask the NLP community…; Linked Data for Development (LD4D); RDF Query Processing in the Cloud
Pre-conference Workshops (Nov 11-12):
Programming the Semantic Web (PSW); Large and Heterogeneous Data and Quantitative Formalization (LHD+SemQuant); Knowledge Extraction and Consolidation From Social Media (KECSM); Terra Cognita; Recommender Systems (SeRSy); Multilingual Semantic Web (MSW3); Linked Science (LISC); Uncertainty Reasoning (URSW); Knowledge Evolution and Ontology Dynamics (EvoDyn); Ontology Matching (OM); Ontology Patterns (WOP); Detection, Representation, and Exploitation of Events in the Semantic Web (DeRiVE); Scalable and High-Performance Systems (SSWS+HPCSW); Semantic Sensor Networks (SSN); Web of Linked Entities (WoLE); Biomedical Informatics and Individualized Medicine (SATBI-SWIM); The Semantic Web in 2022 (SW2022); Consuming Linked Data (COLD)
Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (Nov 12)
Linked Data; Description Logic; User Interfaces and Personalization; Queries; Knowledge Discovery; Alternative Knowledge Representation Approaches; Provenance and Verification; Instance Matching; Streaming and Geospatial DBMSs; Ontology Mapping; Scalability and Parallel Processing; Ontology Engineering and Optimization; Information Extraction; Social and Collaborative Semantics; Search, question answering and entity summarization; Evaluation of reasoning with ontologies; Federated and Stream Query Processing; Infrastructure; eGov and Smart Cities; Applications; Question Answering and NLP; Semantic Web in Biomedicine; Applied Reasoning and Querying; Industry Track Sessions; Posters and Demos
Semantic Web Challenge
Journal Workshop Session
Code for Science Linked Datathon (Nov 10)
Lightning Talks
SWC Minute Madness
Panel Discussions:
Big Graph Data Panel
Semantic Web and Collective Intelligence; Driving Innovation with Open Data and Interoperability; Tackling Climate Change: Unfinished Business from the Last “Winter”; The Trials and Tribulations of a Semantic Technology Evangelist
10th ISWC 2011, October 23-27, 2011, Bonn, Germany
(Host: Institute for Web Science and Technologies, University of Koblenz-Landau)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Nov 23-24):
The Web of Data for E-Commerce in Brief; Scalable Integration and Processing of Linked Data; Debugging Ontologies and Mappings in Ontology Networks; SPARQL 1.1: Theory and Practice; “But I did a user study” …; Ten Ways to make your semantic app addictive – revisited; Semantic Web Technology in Watson
Pre-conference Workshops (Nov 23-24):
Terra Cognita; Ontology Matching; Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web; Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems; Ordering and Reasoning; Knowledge Evolution and Ontology Dynamics; Detection, Representation, and Exploitation of Events in the Semantic Web; Ontologies come of Age in the Semantic Web; Social Data on the Web; Semantic Personalized Information Management; Consuming Linked Data; Linked Science; Multilingual Semantic Web; Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering; Web Scale Knowledge Extraction; Semantic Sensor Networks
Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (Nov 24)
RDF Query – Alternative Approaches; Policies and Trust; RDF Query – Performance Issues; Knowledge Representation – Reasoners; RDF Query – Multiple Sources; RDF Data Analysis; Formal Ontology & Patterns; Knowledge Representation – Semantics; Web of Data; MANCHustifications and Provenance; Ontology Evaluation; Social Web; Ontology Matching, Mapping; User Interaction; In-Use: Architecture; In-Use: Ontologies and Linked Data; In-Use: Environmental Data; In-Use: Content Management; In-Use: Applications; Industry Track; Posters and Demos
Minute Madness
9th Semantic Web Challenge
Linked Data-a-thon
Semantic Information Management: Future funding by EU and beyond
Elsevier Developer Session
Outrageous Ideas
Discussion Panels:
Semantic Web Death Match 2011: Industry vs. Academia vs. Standards
Meet the Editors
Building A Nervous System for Society: The ‘New Deal on Data’ and how to make Health, Financial, Logistics, and Transportation Systems Work; For a Few Triples More; 10 Years of Semantic Web research: Searching for universal patterns
9th ISWC 2010, November 7-11, 2010, Shanghai, China
(Host: APEX Data & Knowledge Management Lab, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Nov 7-8):
Linked Open Services (LOS); Introduction to the Semantic Web; OWL 2 – Theory and Practice; Linked Data for eGovernment; Combine the Web of Data and the Web of Documents (RDFa and Drupal 7); Web Rules: Fundamentals, Applications, and Standards; Semantic Search Tutorial
Pre-conference Workshops (Nov 7-8):
Ontology Matching (OM-2010); Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2010); Ten Ways to Make your Semantic App Addictive; Semantic Sensor Networks (SSN); Role of the Semantic Web in Provenance Management (SWPM); Semantic Repositories for the Web (SERES2010); Cross-Cultural and Cross-Lingual Aspects of the Semantic Web (C3LSW2010); Consuming Linked Data; Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems (SSWS2010); Ontology Dynamics (IWOD-10); Social Data on the Web (SDoW2010); Evaluation of Semantic Technologies (IWEST 2010); Ontology Patterns (WOP2010); Service Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval in the Semantic Web (SMR2)
Doctoral Consortium (Nov 9)
Mining and Search
Semantic Web Applications and Services
Reasoning and Querying
Proofs, Trust, NLP, Rules; Ontology Evolution; Query Languages; Access to Other Kinds of Data; Social Semantic Web; Ontology Similarity and Debugging; Large Knowledge Bases; Agents; Representation Extensions; Ontologies in Linked Data; Reasoning and Algorithms; Linked Data; Semantic Web Services; Scalability; Query Optimization; In-Use Track Sessions; Industry Track Sessions; Posters and Demos
Semantic Web Challenge
Elsevier Author Workshop
Lightning Talks
Panel Discussions:
Do we need RIF for building the Semantic Web? (In-use Track)
What does It Look Like, Really? Imagining how Citizens might Effectively, Usefully and Easily Find, Explore, Query and Re-present Open/Linked Data; Applications at the heart of a new Publishing Ecosystem; The Open Graph Protocol Design Decisions; Semantic Technology at The New York Times: Lessons Learned and Future Directions; Advanced Evaluation of Web Search – Methodology and Technology
8th ISWC 2009, October 25-29, 2009, Washington D.C. Area, USA
(Host: BBN Technologies)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Oct 25-26):
LarKC Early Adopters Tutorial; The Web of Data for E-Commerce in Brief: A Hands-on Introduction to the GoodRelations Ontology, RDFa, Yahoo! SearchMonkey, and Linked Open Commerce; Working with Explanations of OWL Entailments; How to Consume Linked Data on the Web; Legal and Social Frameworks for Sharing Data on the Web; Connecting OWL 2-aware Components via OWLlink; Ontology Engineering: the NeOn Methodology through the NeOn Toolkit; Multimedia Semantics: Metadata, Analysis and Interaction; Building Ontology-based Applications using Pellet; Semantic Web Basics; Semantic Rules on the Web; Building Semantic Web Applications for Government
Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 25-26):
Collaborative Construction, Management and Linking of Structured Knowledge (CK); Ontology Matching (OM);Ontology Patterns (WOP); Role of Semantic Web in Provenance Management (SWPM); Service Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval in the Semantic Web (SMR2); Sharing Ideas for Complex Problems in User Interaction (SWUI);Social Data on the Web (SDoW); Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems (SSWS); Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW); Living Web: Making Web Diversity a true asset; Semantics for the Rest of Us (SemRUs); Semantic Sensor Networks (SSN); Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering (SWESE); Ontology Dynamics (IWOD); Semantic Web Applications in Scientific Discourse (SWASD) ; Terra Cognita
Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (Oct 24)
User and the Social Semantic Web (Collaboration, Policy, and Trust); Management: Robust and scalable knowledge management and reasoning on the Web; Semantics: Ontology modeling, reuse, extraction, and evolution; Semantics: Alignment; Applications: Semantic Web technologies for Services; Semantics: Reasoning with Rules or Modules; Applications: Semantic Web technologies for software and systems engineering – Process Models; Management: Search and query; Semantics: Reasoning and Provenance; Management: Database Technologies; Discovering Semantics; The Linked Data Web; Integrating Systems, Vocabularies, and Views; Social Web and Networks; Search and Query; Combining Tools & Technologies; Industry Track Sessions; Posters and Demos
Semantic Web Challenge
Lightning talks
Linked Data-a-thon
Meetup with Sir Tim Berners-Lee
Panel Discussions:
Does the Semantic Web Need Ontologies?
BLOGIC; or, Now What’s in a Link; Populating the Semantic Web by Macro-Reading Internet Text; Present, Personalized and Precise: Defining Search for Web 3.0
7th ISWC 2008, October 26-30, 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany
(Host: Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods, University of Karlsruhe)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Oct 26-27):
Intro to Semantic Web – Invited Tutorial; Formal Concept Analysis for the Semantic Web; A Semantic Multimedia Web: Create, Annotate, Present and Share your Media; Working Modularly with OWL; RDFa–Bridging the Web of Documents and the Web of Data; Knowledge Representation and Extraction for Business Intelligence; Reasoning for Ontology Engineering and Usage; RSWA 2008 – Realizing a Semantic Web Application; How to Publish Linked Data on the Web; Semantic Web for Health Care and Life Sciences; Free Semantic Content: Using OpenCyc in Semantic Web Applications
Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 26-27):
Terra Cognita 2008; 3rd International Workshop on Ontology Matching; 7th Semantic Web Services Challenge Workshop; 4th International Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering (SWESE2008); 4th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web; 1st International Workshop on Incentives for the Semantic Web (INSEMTIVE 2008); 2nd International Workshop on Service Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval in the Semantic Web; 3rd ExpertFinder Workshop: Personal Identification and Collaborations – Knowledge Mediation and Extraction (PICKME’08); International Workshop on Ontology Dynamics (IWOD2008); Nature inspired Reasoning for the Semantic Web (NatuReS); Social Data on the Web (SDoW2008); 4th International Workshop on Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems (SSWS2008); 1st International Workshop on Ontology-supported Business Intelligence (OBI2008)
Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (Oct 25)
Ontology Engineering; Data Management; Software and Service Engineering; Non-standard Reasoning with Ontologies; Semantic Retrieval; OWL; Ontology Alignment; Description Logics; User Interfaces; Web Data and Knowledge; Semantic Web Services; Semantic Social Networks; Rules and Relatedness; In Use: Services and Infrastructure; In Use: Business Applications; In Use: Applications from Home to Space; In Use: Knowledge Management; Industry Track Sessions; Posters and Demos
Semantic Web Challenge & Billion Triple Challenge
Lightning Talks
Panel Discussions:
An OWL 2 Far?
Multimedia Semantic Web; Freebase: An Open, Writable Database of the World’s Information; Message in a Bottle or: How can the Semantic Web Community be more convincing?
Co-located conferences:
International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR), Oct 31-Nov 1
International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS), Oct 31-Nov 3, Saarbrücken
6th ISWC 2007, November 11-15, 2007, Busan, Korea
(In conjunction with the 2nd Asian Semantic Web Conference; Host: Department of Computer Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Nov 11-12):
Ontology-based Data Access; Semantic Web Technologies for Knowledge Management in Large Distributed Organizations; Ontology Engineering and Plug-in Development with the NeOn Toolkit; What Semantic Web researchers need to know about Machine Learning; User-Centered Design for the Semantic Web; Semantic Business Process Management; Using Social Network Analysis, Geotemporal Reasoning, and RDFS++ Reasoning for Business Intelligence; Invited Tutorial: An Introduction to the Semantic Web
Pre-conference Workshops (Nov 11-12):
Service Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval in the Semantic Web; From Text to Knowledge: The Lexicon/Ontology Interface; New forms of reasoning for the Semantic Web: scaleable, tolerant and dynamic; First Industrial Results of Semantic Technologies; Workshop on Semantic Web and Web 2.0 in Architectural, Product and Engineering Design; Evaluation of Ontologies and Ontology-based tools; Workshop on Ontology Matching; Finding Experts on the Web with Semantics; Cultural Heritage on the Semantic Web; (CANCELLED) Mastering the Gap 2007: From Information Extraction to Semantic Representation and its Evolution; International Workshop on Emergent Semantics and Ontology Evolution; Workshop on Privacy Enforcement and Accountability with Semantics (PEAS2007); Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web; Semantic Web in Ubiquitous Healthcare
Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (Nov 11)
Information Integration; Ontology Reasoning; Ontology evolution; Creating Semantic Web Content; User Interaction; Semantic Search; Semantic Web Services; Semantic Web Data Management; Natural-Language Interfaces; Ontology Design and Evaluation; Ontology Alignment; Querying Semantic Web Data; Semantic Web Languages; Bringing Research To Industrial Usefulness; Generating Knowledge for Business; Application of Semantics in the Public Sector; Making Value Out Of Semantic Web Data; Posters and Demos
Semantic Web Challenge
Lightning talks
Discussion Panels:
Prodigy or Sociopath: The Adolescent Semantic Web
Natural Language and the Semantic Web; How I was right even when I was wrong; Universal Access to Human Knowledge (Or Public Access to Digital Materials)
5th ISWC 2006, November 5-9, 2006, Atlanta, USA
(Host: Department of Computer Science, University of Georgia)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Nov 5-6):
Context Sensitivity in Knowledge Rich Systems; Semantic Web Rules with Ontologies, and their E-Services Applications; Learning from the Masters: Understanding Ontologies found on the Web; Tools and Technologies for Semantic Web Services: An OWL-S Perspective
Pre-conference Workshops (Nov 5-6):
Applications and Business Aspects of the Semantic Web; Modular Ontologies; Ontology Matching; 2nd International Semantic Web Policy Workshop (SWPW’06); Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop; Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems; Workshop for W3C Semantic Web Health Care & Life Sciences; Semantic Desktop and Social Semantic Collaboration Workshop; Semantic Sensor Networks; Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering; Semantic Web User Interaction; Terra Cognita – Geospatial Semantic Web; Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web; Web Content Mining with Human Language Technologies
Pre-conference Doctoral Consortium (Nov 5)
Social Software; Robust and Scalable Semantic Web Techniques; Ontology Mapping, Merging, and Alignment; Evaluation of Semantic Web Techniques; Database Technologies; Semantic Web Service Composition; Collaboration and Cooperation; Rule and Ontology Languages; Semantic Web Services; Applications of Semantic Web Technologies with Lessons Learned; User-Centered Applications; e-Science and Workflows; Machine Learning and Query Evaluation; Human-Language Technologies; Services and Middleware; Knowledge Management; Ontology-Driven Information Extraction; Languages, Tools, and Methodologies for Representing and Managing; Semantic Integration; E-Science; Industry Track Sessions; Posters and Demos
Semantic Web Challenge
Discussion Panels:
Funding the Semantic Web: A cross-continental assessment and outlook; The Role of Semantic Web in Web 2.0: Partner or Follower?
Where the Social Web Meets the Semantic Web; The Semantic Web and Networked Governance: Promise and Challenges; The Semantic Web: Suppliers and Customers
4th ISWC 2005, November 6-10, 2005, Galway, Ireland
(Host: Digital Enterprise Research Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Nov 6-7):
Semantic Web Rules with Ontologies, and Their E-Services Applications; MDA Standards for Ontology Development; Semantic Web Service Systems and Tools; Ontology Design Patterns and Problems: Practical Ontology Engineering using Protégé-OWL
Pre-conference Workshops (Nov 6-7):
Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering (SWESE); The Semantic Desktop – Next Generation Personal Information Management and Collaboration Infrastructure; Uncertainty Reasoning For the Semantic Web; Ontology Patterns for the Semantic Web; Semantic Web Case Studies and Best Practices for eBusiness (SWCASE); End User Semantic Web Interaction; Knowledge Markup and Semantic Annotation (Semannot2005); Semantic Network Analysis; The Semantic Web and Policy Workshop (SWPW)
Pre-conference Doctoral Symposium (Nov 7)
Social Networks; Editing and Vizualizing Ontologies; E-Science; Evaluation and Benchmarking; Ontology Evolution; Semantic Web Services; Debugging and Inconsistency Management; Logic and Reasoning; Web Services; Semantic Markup and Browsing; Agents and Distributed Architectures; RDF Querying and Storage; Ontology Mapping and Alignment; Ontology Creation; Methodology; Rules; Trust and Policies; Semantic Search and Browsing; Versioning and Context; Industral Track Sessions (SECTOR APPLICATIONS); Posters and Demos
Semantic Web Challenge
Industry Day (Nov 7)
Using the Semantic Web for e-Science – Inspiration, Incubation, Irritation; The Practical Web – Semantic Acceleration Helping Realize the Semantic Web Vision; Semantic Web Public Policy Challenges: Privacy, Provenance, Property and Personhood; Web of Rules (joint session with RuleML Conference)
3rd ISWC 2004, November 7-11, 2004, Hiroshima, Japan
(Host: Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Nov 7-8):
XQuery: the query language, its applications and its implementations; Ontology Design Patterns and Problems: Practical Ontology Engineering using Protege-OWL; Tools and Technologies for Semantic Web Services; RDF and Topic Maps Interoperability in Practice; Theory and Practice of RDF Query Processing; Semantic Web Rules with Ontologies, and their E-Business Applications
Pre-conference Workshops (Nov 7-8):
Semantic Web technology for mobile and ubiquitous applications; Trust, Security, and Reputation on the Semantic Web; SW-EL’04: Applications of Semantic Web Technologies for E-Learning; Evaluation of Ontology-based Tools (EON2004); Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web; Semantic Web Services: Preparing to Meet the World of Business Applications; Meaning coordination and negotiation; Knowledge Markup and Semantic Annotation (Semannot2004)
Integration & Interoperability; Semantic Web Services; Semantic Web Mining; Ontologies; Data Semantics; P2P Systems;Inference; Large Scale Knowledge Management; User Interfaces & Visualization; Searching & Querying; Middleware and Agents; Posters and Demos
Semantic Web Challenge
The Semantic Web Story 2004; What does it take to build Google2Google or How do you find what you need if it is distributed all over the world and more complicated than a web page?; Small can be Beautiful in the Semantic Web
2nd ISWC 2003, October 20-23, 2003, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA
(Host: Florida Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Oct 20):
Agent-Mediated Semantic Web/Grid Services; Tutorial on OWL; Creating Ontologies and Semantic Web Applications with Protégé; Information Integration on the World Wide Web
Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 20):
Practical and Scalable Semantic Systems; Semantic Integration; Semantic Web Technologies for Searching and Retrieving Scientific Data; Human Language Technology for the Semantic Web and Web Services; Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web; Evaluation of Ontology-Based Tools
Foundations; Ontological Reasoning; Semantic Web Services; Security, Trust and Privacy; Agents and the Semantic Web; Information Retrieval; Multi-Media; Applications and Multi-Media; Tools and Metodologies; Security and Semantic Web Services; Applications and Tools; Industrial Track Sessions; Posters and Demos
Semantic Web Challenge
“Birds of a Feather” Discussion
On Beyond Ontology: Returning to AI from the Semantic Web; The Long and Winding Road To Industrial Strength Semantic Web Services; Semantic Web: Where to direct our energy?
1st ISWC 2002, June 9-12, 2002, Sardinia, Italia
(Host: University of Cagliari)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Jun 9):
Ontologies: Representation, Engineering, Learning and Applications; Description Logics for Conceptual Design, Information Access, and Ontology Integration: Research Trends; Semantic Web Services; Jena Tutorial; (CANCELLED) An Introduction to Topic Maps Concepts
Infrastructure; Services; Languages; Tools and Applications; Posters
Discussion Panels:
Research Challenges for the Semantic Web
The Grid, Grid Services and the Semantic Web: Technologies and Opportunities; Semantic Web Enabled Web Services
3rd SemWeb 2002, Hawaii, May 7, 2002
(in conjunction with the International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), May 7-11)
Poster Teaser Madness; Poster Session
Birds-of-a-feather Sessions
Killer SW end-user apps in 1-3 year horizon (and maybe how they use existing research from other fields)
Discussion 2: Possible topics: Is it worth it to have this Semantic Web workshop now that there is a main conference Semantic Web track? If so, should it be any different from what we just went through?; Semantic Web – what’s it to you?; Semantic Web – hype versus reality
Exploiting Synergy Between Ontologies and Recommender Systems
Making Semantic Web Real: Some Building Blocks; Creating Semantically Integrated Communities on the World Wide Web
SWWS 2001, July 30 – August 1, 2001, Stanford University, California, USA
Conference Theme: Infrastructure and Applications for the Semantic Web
(in conjunction with the International Conference On Conceptual Structures (Jul 30 – Aug 3) and the International Workshop on Description Logics (Aug 1-3))
Working Track:
Ontology and Ontology Maintenance; Interoperability, Integration, Composition; (Web-)Services and Applications; Demos; Position Papers
Tutorial Track:
Ontology Engineering; Semantic B2B Integration; Models and Languages for Describing and Discovering E-services
Birds of the Feather Sessions:
Semantic Web Challenges website; Business.SemanticWeb.org coordinates Semantic Web business discussions
Panel Discussions:
Emerging Semantics
Keynote 1; TopicMaps
2nd SemWeb 2001, May 1, 2001, Hong Kong
(in conjunction with the International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), May 1-5)
Resource Discovery; Languages and Tool Support; Ontologies and Their Use; Services in the Semantic Web
Panel Discussions:
Semantic Web – The Road Ahead
OntoWeb KickOff
1st SemWeb 2000, September 22, 2000, Lisbon, Portugal
Workshop theme: Semantic Web: Models, Architectures and Management
(in conjunction with the European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL), Sep 18-20)
Semantic Interoperability Frameworks; Web Metadata Models and Standards; Applications and Systems for Community Webs
Discussion Session:
Informal project presentations (C-Web, OntoKnowledge, Ontobroker, GINF), Future Collaborations, Next Workshop Organization, …
Invited Talks:
Semantic Web and Information Brokering: Opportunities, Early Commercializations, and Challenges; Semantic Web Technologies in IST Key Action III