International Society for Knowledge Organization: Indian Chapter (ISKO India)
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The International Society for Knowledge Organization: Indian Chapter (ISKO India) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Jan 2025: From Taxonomy to Ontology (DRTC Special Series; Orga.: Documentation Research And Training Centre (DRTC), Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore)
- Innovations in Knowledge Organisation Conference (IKO), 23 October 2017, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai
(Co-organizer: ISKO Singapore; Pre-conference seminar/practitioners day in conjunction with the International Conference on Knowledge Organisation, Library & Information Management (ICKOIM), 23-25 Oct 2017) - International Society for Knowledge Organization Conference (ISKO)
- 12th International ISKO Conference 2012, August 6-9, 2012, University of Mysore, Mysore, India
Conference Theme: Categories, Contexts and Relations in Knowledge Organization (Dr. S. R. Ranganathans 120th birth anniversary event)
(Host: University of Mysore, Bahadur Institute of Management Studies; Co-organizer: ISKO India Chapter, Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science) - 2nd International ISKO Conference 1992, August 26-28, 1992, Madras, India
Conference Theme: Cognitive Paradigms in Knowledge Organisation (Dr. S.R. Ranganathan Birth Centenary Conference)
(Host: University of Madras; Co-organizer: Madras Library Association, Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science)
- 12th International ISKO Conference 2012, August 6-9, 2012, University of Mysore, Mysore, India
- International Conference on Future of Knowledge Organization in the Networked Environment (IKONE), 3-5 September 2007, Bangalore, India
(Organizer: Documentation Research and Training Centre, Indian Statistical Institute (ISI); International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO); Partners: Association for Computing Machinery, Bangalore Chapter; International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore (IIITB); International School of Information Management (IsiM); Ranganathan Centre for Information Studies; Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science, Bangalore)-
The Conference will include invited technical presentations, contributed papers, posters and other discussions. Indeed a very wide range of disciplinary groups has been engaged in activities related to knowledge representation and organization: Philosophers, Library / Information professionals, Linguists, Educational Psychologists, Ontologists, Web designers, AI professionals, etc. to mention a few.
Panel Discussions:
What is the Future of Knowledge Organization?Paper Sessions:
Knowledge Organization Systems
Knowledge Mapping
Knowledge Organization for the Digital Environment
Text Processing
Organizing Knowledge for Knowledge Management
Poster SessionInvited Talks:
Past & Future of Knowledge Organization
Semantic Graphs and their application in Machine Translation & Information Retrieval, and Lexical Knowledge Networks
Value Addition by Online Integration of Knowledge Organization Tools
Heterogeneity and Information Fusion Driven by User Needs
UGSG Shallow Parsing Architecture
Electronic Access to Women’s Diaries and Letters: An Analysis of Keyword vs. Subject Searching
Organizing Knowledge for Knowledge Management in an Enterprise
Challenges in Organizing Knowledge for Knowledge Management in an Enterprise
The Social Life of Knowledge Management Tools
Language-Independent Natural Language Technologies: An Oxymoron?
Mixing and Matching Metadata Schema Models – a Dublin Core based View across Metadata Schemas and Models
Strategic Intellectual Property Implementation & Management
Privacy-Preserving Data Mining
Modeling Cancer Treatment Information with an Ontology - Seminar on Classification and Knowledge Representation, January 7, 1994, Bangalore
(Co-organizer: Documentation Research And Training Centre, Institute of Information Studies)-
Paper Presentations: (w. Discussions)
Approach to Faceted Classification in the Social Sciences: A Case Study of International Relations and Labour Relations
Organization of Knowledge and the Social Sciences: Patterns and Issues
Knowledge Representation in Taxonomic Information Retrieval
A Case for Synthesis of Different Information Order
ing MethodsPanel discussions:
The current scene in Classitication
and Knowledge Representation