International Society for Knowledge Organization: Low Countries Chapter (ISKO LC)
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The International Society for Knowledge Organization: Low Countries Chapter (ISKO LC) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- International Society for Knowledge Organization Low Countries Conference (ISKO LC Conference)
The International Society for Knowledge Organization Low Countries Conference (ISKO LC Conference) intends to showcase innovative, inspirational and multidisciplinary research in a relentless pursuit towards excellence in the study of Knowledge Organisation.
- May 2021: Knowledge Organization Systems in the Spotlight: Collecting and Observing KOS
(ISKO UK Knowledge Organization Research Observatory (KO-RO) in collaboration with the ISKO Low Countries chapter)-
Observing trajectories in Science: Building the DANS KOS Observatory
Looking both ways, BARTOC then and now as it prepares for the future of Knowledge Organization – w. ISKO Low Countries chapter
- Jun 2019: ISKO-Low Countries Inaugural Meeting (in conjunction with the ISKO LC Conference)
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