Knowledge Management Community of DC (KMCDC)
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The Knowledge Management Association (KMA), which emerged from the KM Institute Chapters, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Chapters: Denver (Denver Knowledge Management Network)*, Washington DC (KMA DC Chapter, now independent Knowledge Management Community of DC) 1)
- Interest Groups on topics in Knowledge Management*
Chapter Meetings
- Washington DC Chapter Meetings 1)
List of Events202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013- Nov 2024: KMCDC Online Drop-In Brunch: 10-minute lightning presentations and facilitated discussions (Day after KM World Conference; CANCELLED)
- Jul 2023: Knowledge Management: The Next Ten Years (10th anniversary celebration)
- Jun 2023: The AI Enabled RAID (Risks, Action items, Issues and Decisions) Log (project management tool)
- May 2023: The Knowledge Café: Caffeinated Conversation, Learning Agility, and Co-creative Innovation
- Mar 2023: Show Me Your RAID (Risks, Action items, Issues and Decisions) LOG (project management tool)
- Nov 2022: The Future of Knowledge Management
- Oct 2022: Knowledge Graphs in the Digital Transformation Era
- Sep 2022: To ISO or not to ISO? About ISO 30401, Knowledge Management Systems
- Aug 2022: Designing Knowledge: Capitalizing the Connections between KM and Design thinking
- Jul 2022: To ISO or not to ISO? About ISO 30401, Knowledge Management Systems (POSTPONED)
- May 2022: Cynefin – Weaving Sense-Making into the Fabric of Our World
- Apr 2022: Creating the Knowledge Management Model for the 21st Century
- Mar 2022: Combining Knowledge Management with Product Management
- Feb 2022: The Vital Role of Knowledge Management in Digital Transformation
- Jun 2021: What do KMers look for in an IT platform?
- May 2021: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data in Knowledge Management (KM)
- 2021-04: Using Knowledge Management for Safe and Effective Citizen Development Apps
- 2021-03: What’s So Radical about Communityship in Knowledge Services?
- 2021-02: How Knowledge Managers Can Use Conversational Leadership
- 2021-01: Re-Envisioning Communities of Practice – Part 2
- 2020-11: A Community of Practice Exercise on Re-Envisioning Communities of Practice After COVID19
- 2020-10: The Future of Knowledge Management? Ask a Digital Native
- 2020-09: Your Brain on Story: Use Science of Story to Persuade Inspire Influence & Teach
- 2020-08: Power Up Your “Remote” Working and Spend Less Time in Video Meetings: Tips on digital tools, modalities and practice
- 2020-07: Knowledge Management and the Deloitte 2020 Human Capital Trends Report
- 2020-06: Creating KMCDC’s Statement on Anti-Racism, Diversity, and Inclusion
- 2020-05: The Future of Work: How Successful Organizations Create Cultures of Knowledge (virtual meeting)
- 2020-04: Improving Process Execution & Lowering Risk Through Knowledge Management (virtual meeting)
- 2020-03: Role of Knowledge Management Leaders in COVID-19 Reality (virtual meeting)
- 2020-02: Agile Knowledge Management for Agile Projects
- 2020-01: Mindful Knowledge Facilitation
- 2019-12: Taking an Agile Approach to Knowledge Management Strategy and Planning
- 2019-11: Join us @ Knowledge on a Mission 2019
- 2019-10: Results from the First Conversational Leadership Workshop
- 2019-09: Brainstorming a Knowledge Management Challenge
- 2019-07: Human-centered Knowledge Management Design – Ensuring the User is at the Center of any Knowledge Management Effort
- 2019-06: Using Storytelling to Capture Critical Knowledge (KMCDC/EK Wine & Design)
- 2019-05: Build your KMpetitive Advantage by putting more K in your marketing strategy (with International Finance Corporation); Bridging Islands of Knowledge – both real and metaphorically (with International Finance Corporation); (DOD and Federal Knowledge Management Symposium)
- 2019-04: A Knowledge Management Approach to Adopting Artificial Intelligence; (KM Showcase 2019: Behind the Theory – Join KMCDC partners, KMI and Enterprise Knowledge for the next KM Showcase)
- 2019-03: Building a Culture of Knowledge Sharing (KMCDC/EK Wine & Design); Build Your Knowledge Management Program with Design Cards (KMCDC/EK Wine & Design)
- 2019-02: Making Search Work for the Enterprise through Action-Oriented Search
- 2019-01: Using Design Thinking to Scope and Prioritize Your Knowledge management Initiatives; The People Side of Knowledge Management: Capture Knowledge Using Fast Learning Techniques (KMCDC/EK Wine & Design)
- 2018-12: Beautiful Knowledge Management Governance
- 2018-11: Practical Knowledge Management: Linking Knowledge Management to Your Organization’s Strategic Priorities (KMCDC/EK Wine & Design)
- 2018-10: Selling Knowledge Management: Create Your Knowledge Management Elevator Pitch
- 2018-09: Conversational Leadership: Are We Having the Right Conversations?
- 2018-08: Knowledge Cafe at 930Gov KIDM Conference: How to Build Knowledge Management program to actual implementation (Joint event with the Knowledge Cafe DC)
- 2018-07: Creating a Save, Fun Place for Knowledge Sharing
- 2018-06: Storytelling as a Knowledge Management Methodology
- 2018-05: Action Learning – Adding to the Bottom Line
- 2018-04: Come to the KMCDC Launch! Actionable Insights from Data-driven Knowledge Management
- 2018-03 (knowledge cafe): Is Knowledge Management at the Crossroads? – Part 2
- 2018-02 (knowledge cafe): Is Knowledge Management at the Crossroads?
- 2018-01: Come to the KM Showcase (in conjunction with the KMI knowledge Management Showcase); So you want to hire a Knowledge Manager…Why?
- 2017-12: The Knowledge Management Awareness Week of the federal Knowledge Management Community of Practice
- 2017-10: A Text Analysis Solution at the National Agricultural Library (USDA)
- 2017-09: Knowledge Cafe @gov930 KIDM Conference: What is the Future of Knowledge management? (Joint event with the Knowledge Cafe DC Meetup group)
- 2017-07: Knowledge Continuity: A Case Study of Job Specific Knowledge Transfer
- 2017-06: Is Knowledge Management Dead or Alive?” (Disruptive evidence from the Sciences of Happiness…
- 2017-05: Taxonomy Best Practices
- 2017-04: Lessons from the Application of KCS Principles and Core Concepts
- 2017-03: The Knowledge Continuity Cycle – Deep Dive
- 2017-02: Knowledge Management Lean Coffee Discussion
- 2017-01: Machine Learning – An Essential New Tool In Knowledge Management
- 2016-12: Practical knowledge Management at the National Park Service
- 2016-11: Knowledge Management Happy Hour at KMWorld!
- 2016-10: Turn the tables: Let’s hear from some of our KM’ers!
- 2016-09: Intellectual Capital: Using Audits to Identify Your Organization’s Most Valuable Asset
- 2016-08: Does Certification in Knowledge Management Really Exist…Yet?
- 2016-07: Integrating: Why it’s Exciting, Why it’s Annoying
- 2016-06: Knowledge Management Happy Hour with TechChange
- 2016-05: Spicing Up Your Knowledge Management Strategy With A Pinch Of Ontology
- 2016-04: “Houston, We Have a Solution!” – reporting live from the APQC conference
- 2016-03: Organizational Learning: The Deeper Purpose of Knowledge Management
- 2016-02: Positive Knowledge Management: Knowledge Management impact on Organizational Performance using Science of Happiness
- 2016-01: Examining Roles for Knowledge Management
- 2015-11: New KMA DC Mentor Program and Knowledge Management Table Topics
- 2015-10: Why Design Thinking Will Save Knowledge Management
- 2015-09: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly: Autopsy of an Integrated, Open Source Knowledge Management Strategy
- 2015-08: Knowledge Management Happy Hour (Organized by KMA DC and KMI)
- 2015-07: Creator of The Organizational Zoo talks about KNOWledge SUCCESSion
- 2015-06: “How to Make your Community of Practice a Success”
- 2015-05: Dr. Madelyn Blair on “The Role of Knowledge Management in Building Resilience”
- 2015-04: Building Blocks of a Knowledge Management Strategy– The Case of Rockefeller Foundation
- 2015-03: Knowledge Management in the Development Sector – Insights from UNICEF
- 2015-02: Knowledge Management in the Baldrige Context
- 2015-01: High Level Overview of a Semantic Search and Analysis Solution
- 2014-09: Knowledge Management Initiative Planning
- 2014-08: Incentivizing Knowledge Management: Can Gamification Help?
- 2014-07: Four Easy Pieces – A Definition of Knowledge Adequate to Estimate Human Short-Term Memory Capacity Using a Crowdsource Method
- 2014-06: KMA DC Knowledge Cafe to revisit the Knowledge Management topics from the past three meetings
- 2014-05: Sharing Knowledge in Ways that make it Stick!
- 2014-04: The Pause and Learn as a Knowledge Facilitator Process
- 2014-03: Using SharePoint for Knowledge Management
- 2014-02: Table topic discussions (Select Topics on Knowledge Management)
- 2014-01: From Lessons Identified to Lessons Learned
- 2013-12: Appreciative Sharing of Knowledge: An Introduction and Mini-Practice
- 2013-10: What is Knowledge Management good for? What can it do for private-sector organizations? How are the benefits different for Government organizations?
- 2013-09: Applied Knowledge Management, Beyond Technology
- 2013-08: KMA DC Knowledge Cafe: Innovation, Sharing Tacit Knowledge, Getting Management Buy-In for Knowledge Management Inotiatives
- 2013-07: First KMA DC Chapter meeting featuring Sean Fox of McGladrey and John Hovell of BAE Systems
- Denver Chapter Meetings
List of Events- 2015-11: Social event: meetup group in 2016?
- 2015-08: CANCELLED
- 2015-07: Co-creating the new member-driven, knowledge community design for the Denver KM Network Meetup (Online meeting)
- 2015-06: New Beginning: Co-creating the new member-driven, knowledge community design for the Denver KM Network Meetup (online meeting)
- 2015-04: More details to come as the date gets closer
- 2015-03: Inaugural Meeting to discuss interests, times and locations
- KMA National Virtual Events (2013)
List of Events- 2013-01: Personal Knowledge Management, and how to practice Knowledge Management at your desk.
- 2013-02: Practicing Knowledge Management (Knowledge Café Session)
- 2013-03: Building a Knowledge Management centric proposal center, an AT&T approach.
- 2013-04: The Oscillation Principle: How regularly scheduled face-to-face interaction can
- 2013-06: Treduce the ambiguity of increasingly complex tasks
- 2013-07: Knowledge Mapping & Simulation Clarity
- 2013-07: Knowledge Management in the Medical Field
- 2013-08: Web Usability
- 2013-09: Aging Workforce Issues, and what is being done by industry leaders today in this area?
- 2013-10: Knowledge Management Maturity Models
- 2013-11: KMWorld De-Brief, What did we learn? (Knowledge Café Session)
- 2013-12: Knowledge Management Year in Review, Innovations, Research, and Thought Leaders
Web Channels
0 USD / 4Free, 1-11 hours, English language, Face-to-face KMedu, Non-degree KMedu, Offers from Communities, United States of America (USA) Enterprise Knowledge (EK), International Finance Corporation (IFC), International Knowledge Management Institute (KM Institute), KM Happy Hour, knowledge café, Knowledge Café (Meetup group), Knowledge Management Community of DC (KMCDC)1) Since 2018: independent Knowledge Management Community of DC