21st Century Knowledge Management Group*
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The 21st Century Knowledge Management Group, quasi-successor of the Knowledge Management Cluster (KM Cluster®), formerly the San Francisco Bay Area & Silicon Valley Knowledge Management Cluster (SF/SV KM Cluster) and the San Francisco Bay Area Knowledge Management Consortium International Chapter (SF KMCI Chapter),1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Regional Groups
- Canada: Toronto area
- France: Paris
- Mexiko: in planning
- United Kingdom: London
- United States: Atlanta, Chicago, Ohio (Cleveland), New England (Boston), New York City, Northern California, San Francisco, Southern California, Texas (Huston), Rocky Mountain (Denver), Washington DC
Communities of Practice/ Working Groups:
- Knowledge Management Paradox & Barriers to Implementation
KM Cluster Events/Meetings (quarterly full-day)
Fall 2006:
Storytelling and Business Narrative: Mastery and Leadership of Business Narrative & Organizational Storytelling (Ohio @ Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland )
The Leader’s Guide to Storytelling: Mastering the Art and Discipline of Business Narrative
Organizational Storytelling and Narrative: Methods and Techniques for Creating and Leading High Performance Teams and Communities
Appreciative Inquiry: The Stories and Narratives of Organizational Renewal (special keynote)
Network Storytelling: The Social Network PathwaysPanel Conversation:
Next Steps in Network Business Narrative: Leading High Performance Organizations
Summer 2006:
The Future of Media Summit
See “Conferences”
Enterprise Social Networks, Media, Tools: 21st Century Knowledge Priorities (Irving/Texas @ Deloitte)
Web 2.0. What does it Bring to Business? Case Studies, Success Stories and Next Practices™
Japan’s suppa ginosha Movement: 21st Century Human Capital, Knowledge Transfer, & Organization Development
Company Command: Unleashing the Power of the Army Profession (special keynote)
Network Strategies for Managing Complexity: Organizational and Value Network Analysis
Time as a New Currency: Flexible and Mobile Work Strategies
21st Century Knowledge Leadership: Winning the War for Talent
Social Networks Analysis (Washington DC)
Enterprise Social Network Analysis
InFlow Software
InFlow Hands-on Practice Workshop
Getting Started in Your Organization: Enterprise SNA Next Practices
Spring 2006:
21st Century Knowledge: Priorities of the Knowledge Economy (Los Angeles @ UCLA Anderson School of Management)
21st Century Knowledge: Action/Research Priorities – Markets and Exchanges, Complex Systems, Value Webs and Networks, Social Media, Semantic Web and Web 2.0, Preference Markets
Network Strategies for Managing Complexity: Organizational and Value Network Analysis
Value Network Dynamics: Building Internal and External Value Networks
Value Network Tools and Methods: GenIsis
Enterprise Wikis Use: Engagement, Participation, and Co-GenerationPanel Conversation:
21st Century Knowledge: Principles, Leadership, Priorities
Enterprise Value Networks: Leading 21st Century Knowledge (San Francisco @ University of California at San Francisco)
Network Strategies for Managing Complexity: Organizational and Value Network Analysis
Aerospace: Introducing Value Network Analysis
Network Weaving: Building Smart Communities and Companies
Creating Networks of Uplift: Networks and the New Transformational Sector
Value Network Analysis: Value Network Mapping Exercise
Social Media, Networks & Tools: Leading 21st Century Knowledge (Ohio @ Ohio Aerospace Institute)
Network Strategies for Managing Complexity: Organizational and Value Network Analysis
Aerospace: Introducing Value Network Analysis
Smart Networks and Network Weavers
Appreciative Leadership in the Age of Networks
Web 2.0. What does it Bring to Business? Case Studies, Success Stories and Next Practices™Panel Conversation:
Networks of the Future
Winter 2006:
Value Networks (San Francisco)
ValueNet Works Workshop
Panel Conversation
Enterprise Value Networks: Challenge and Opportunities
Enterprise Social Networks Analysis (Atlanta)
Fall 2005:
Enterprise Social Software: Business Blogs, Social Tools & Narratives (Boston @ Novell)
What do Blogs Bring to Business? Case Studies, Success Stories and Next Practices
Blogs: Technology Made Simple
Everything Is Miscellaneous: The New Shape of Knowledge (keynote)
Weblogs: Affectation of the Digerati? -or- Mainstream Business Tool?
Wikis, Blogs and Tagging: Exploiting Web Technologies in IBM’s Intranet
Novell: How Blogs and Wikis are Prospering
MIT Sloan School Perspective: The Future of IT and Knowledge NetworksPanel Discussion:
Enterprise Social Tools: New Directions
Enterprise Social Software & Tools: Business Blogs & Narratives (New York @ AXA Advisors)
What do Blogs Bring to Business? Case Studies, Success Stories and Next Practices
Personal Knowledge Management: Using Blogs to Manage Your Knowledge
External Communication: Essentials of Blogs for External Communication
Internal Communication and Collaboration: Using Blogs and Wikis Inside Your Organization
Every Business Has a Story: Narrative as a Corporate Asset
The Leader’s Guide to Storytelling: Mastering the Art and Discipline of Business Narrative
Our Life’s Work: Answering The Big Question About What Really Matters
Knowledge Facilitation: Advancing Performance, Value and Effectiveness Using Knowledge-Centered Principles (Silicon Valley)
Developing Knowledge-Based Client Relationships: Leadership In Professional Services (KnowledgeLeader)
Creating a Knowledge Response Center: Building on Relationships and Know How
Bovis Lend Lease: iKonnect – Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge-Centered Support: Case Studies, Success Stories and Next Practices
The Only Sustainable Edge: Why Business Strategy Depends on Productive Friction and Dynamic Specialization (special keynote)
Enterprise Social Tools and Software: Business Blogging and Narrative (Irving/Texas @ Deloitte Consulting)
What do Blogs Bring to Business? Case Studies, Success Stories and Next Practices
Internal Communication and Collaboration: Using Blogs and Wikis inside Your Organization
Getting Started with Blogs, Wikis and RSS: Critical Steps to Getting Started Right
Personal Knowledge Management: Using Blogs to Manage Your Knowledge
Keynote Presentation tbd
Frontiers of Talent Management
Summer 2005:
Social Media Summit (San Francisco)
See “Conferences”
Spring 2005:
Enterprise Social Networks Analysis (San Francisco @ Knoll)
Enterprise Social Network Analysis
InFlow Software
InFlow Hands-on Practice Workshop
Getting Started in Your Organization
Creating the Social Enterprise: Inside Social Networks (Boston @ IBM Research)
Personal KM and Idea Practioners (keynote)
Network Roles
Social Networks: Relationships and Structure
IBM Research: Collaborative User Experience Group
Next Practices: The Social Enterprise of the FuturePanel:
Social Networks Inside Out
Enterprise Social Networks Analysis (Cleveland @ Corporate College West)
Enterprise Social Network Analysis
InFlow Software
InFlow 3.0 Hands-on Practice Workshop
Getting Started in Your Organization
Enterprise Social Media: 21st Century Knowledge Priorities (Irving/Texas @ Deloitte)
Web 2.0. What does it Bring to Business? Case Studies, Success Stories and Next Practices™
Japan’s suppa ginosha Movement: 21st Century Human Capital, Knowledge Transfer, & Organization Development
Company Command: Unleashing the Power of the Army Profession (special keynote)
Network Strategies for Managing Complexity: Organizational and Value Network Analysis
Time as a New Currency: Flexible and Mobile Work Strategies
21st Century Knowledge Leadership: Winning the War for Talent
Enterprise Social Networks Analysis (Los Angeles @ PricewaterhouseCoopers)
Enterprise Social Network Analysis
InFlow Software
InFlow Hands-on Practice Workshop
Getting Started in Your Organization
Innovation and The Support Economy (TBD; Toronto @ Microsoft Canada)
Report from KM World in Santa Clara
Support Economy Innovation
Creating the Conductive Organization: Innovations in Social Networks and CollaborationBreakout: (inlc. Participant Reports)
Contextual Analysis
Winter 2005:
Enterprise Social Network Analysis (Atlanta @ Novell)
Enterprise Social Network Analysis
InFlow Software
InFlow Hands-on Practice Workshop
Getting Started in Your Organization: Enterprise SNA Next Practices
Enterprise Social Networks Analysis (Boston @ IBM)
Enterprise Social Network Analysis
InFlow Software
InFlow Hands-on Practice Workshop
Getting Started in Your Organization: Enterprise SNA Next Practices
Beyond the Balance Sheet: Valuing and Managing Intangible Assets (Denver @ Holland and Hart)
How to Value Intellectual Capital: Lessons from the European SMEs
Demand-Driven Knowledge Sharing: A Pragmatic Approach to Delivering Just-in-Time Expertise (New York @ Bovis Lend Lease)
KM and Web Logs: Building Community and Knowledge Conductivity for Global Firms
Bovis Lend Lease: Around the World in 60 Minutes
– Introduction to Bovis Lend Lease
– ikonnect – Knowledge Sharing
– Role of Knowledge Facilitators
– Behavioural Challenges of Sharing
– Global Communities of Practice
Intangibles: Management, Measurement, and Reporting
Knowledge Sharing, Collaboration and the Concept of Return on Time
Modern Metrics and Measures: Leading the On-Demand Knowledge Enterprise
Enterprise Social Network Analysis (Washington)
Enterprise Social Network Analysis
InFlow Software
InFlow Hands-on Practice Workshop
Getting Started in Your Organization: Enterprise SNA Next Practices
Fall 2004:
Enterprise Social Network Analysis (San Francisco @ Knoll)
Enterprise Social Network Analysis
InFlow Software
InFlow Hands-on Practice Workshop
Getting Started in Your Organization
Net Works to Net Worth: Realizing the Value from Social Networks (Boston @ Harvard Club)
Lessons from Leader-to-Leader Networks: Trust, Insight, and Action
Activity-Based Performance: Measurement and Social Networks
Relationship Currencies: Drivers of Financial Outcomes
Two Views on Deriving Value from Learning Networks: Proving Direction, Structure, and FacilitationPanel & Discussion:
Personal and Organizational Networks
2005 Cleveland KM Cluster Planning Meeting (Cleveland @ Silver Train)
Working Session: Inspiration, Imagination
Working Session: Realization, Action
Alignment: Vision, Mission and Purpose
Intellectual Capital Leadership (Denver)
Innovation Networks (Los Angeles @ PricewaterhouseCoopers)
Re-scheduled from Summer 2004
The Koans Of KM
Keynote Presentation
Innovation Networks: Delivering Content to the Edge of the Enterprise
Tapping the Networks of InnovationInnovation Networks
Enterprise Social Network Analysis (New York @ Deloitte)
Enterprise Social Network Analysis
InFlow Software
InFlow Hands-on Practice Workshop
Getting Started in Your Organization: Enterprise SNA Next Practices
L’actif incorporel -o- Le Knowledge Management, sa culture et ses outils (Paris)
The Support Economy (Toronto @ Microsoft Canada)
Summer 2004:
Knowledge Leadership: Building Knowledge-based Organizations and Developing the Knowledge Leaders of the Future (New York @ Novell)
Emergent Ideas in Leadership
Enterprise Knowledge Leadership
Where’s The Knowledge in These Stories?
Knowledge Leadership: Four Examples of Leadership Behavior That Can Make or Break Knowledge Management Success
Talent Visualization Systems
Innovation and Adaptation: How KM Helps Organizations and Leaders Build Thriving Business Innovation Ecosystems (Denver)
Wicked Innovation: Managing Increasing Competition, Accelerating Change And Increasing Complexity
Learning Organizations in Biotechnology: A Case Study
Help Desk Innovation
Delivering Content to the Edge of the Enterprise
Build, Improve, InnovateInnovation Leaders Panel
Spring 2004:
Intangibles: Measurement and Leadership of Intellectual Capital (San Francisco)
Introduction to Intangibles: Intellectual Capital Assets – Drivers of KM and Shareholder Value
Intangibles Assets: Methods of Measurement
Relationship Capital: Expanding Business Relationships
Brand Intangibles: Relationship of Brand to Shareholder Value
Intellectual Capital Management: Converting Hidden Wealth to Shareholder Value
Organizational Capital: Building the Real Time Enterprise Via IC Asset Management
Human Capital: Performance Evolution
Communities: Next Practices (Cleveland @ NASA Glenn Research Center)
Community Knowledge Architectures
Case Studies: Communities of Practice
Higher Education Communities
Communities and Social Network Analysis
Sharing Knowledge: Balancing the Organisational Benefits and Risks (Los Angeles @ PricewaterhouseCoopers)
Towards Reconciling Transaction Cost Economics and the Knowledge-Based View of the Firm: The Context of Inter-Firm Collaborations
KM State of the Art: Are You Flatline, Baseline, Mid-range, Leading Edge or Bleeding Edge
Relationship Applications
Far-Flung Teams Presentation
Sharing Knowledge: Discovering the Barriers in Large, Complex Organizations
From Wright to Wrong: The Dark Side of Intellectual Property Rights
The Koans Of KM
Social Networks (New York @ Deloitte)
Social Networks: Ready for the Enterprise?
Social Networks Analysis: Practice and Application for KM
Relationship Capital: Expanding Business Relationships
The Hidden Power of Social Networks: Understanding How Work Really Gets Done in Organizations
The Innovation Superhighway: Social and Technical Networks
Continuity Management
Enterprise Social Networks: Driving Profitability and Performance
Winter 2003:
KM Metrics (San Francisco)
Fall 2003:
Next Practices: Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning (San Francisco @ San Francisco State University)
Next-Generation Knowledge Learning
KM in Education: Next Generation
The Knowledge Enterprise: The promise of the Digital Campus
Intel Learning Network
Simulation Workshops
Measuring the Top Line Contribution of E-Business: Lessons from SBC OnlineExperts Panel:
Next Practices in KM and Learning
21st Century Knowledge Management (New York @ Novell)
21st Century Collaborative Business Knowledge: Optimizing Organizational Productivity
Advanced Knowledge Networking
Continuity Management
The Support Economy: Why Corporations Are Failing Individuals and The Next Episode of Capitalism
Betty White Paper
Lessons from a KM Warrior
The Real-Time Knowledge Enterprise (Toronto @ Microsoft Canada)
Faster Higher Braver – The New Value Chain: Collaboration Commerce
eKnowledge Markets
Bontis Research Hub
Collaborate to Compete: Driving Profitability in the Real-Time Knowledge Enterprise
Collaborating across Boundaries
Knowledge Network Mapping
Summer 2003:
Analytics and Taxonomies – Strategy Summit (San Francisco)
See “Conferences”
Spring 2003:
Culture and Knowledge Management (San Francisco @ Novell)
Building a Knowledge Culture: Communicating Expectations about KM Behavior
Culture and KM
Social Network Analysis: InFlow 3.0
Information Worker Productivity Council
Far-Flung Teams
Winter 2002:
KM in Education Summit (San Francisco @ San Francisco State University)
See “Conferences”
Fall 2002:
The Future of R&D (San Francisco)
The Future of R&D
Collaborative Knowledge Networks in Pharma R&D
Action Research: Participatory/Interactive Research and Development
Adding More Lift Than Drag: R&D Collaboration Environments, Informal Organizations, & Researchers’ Activities
Summer 2002:
Innovation and Invention (San Francisco @ Deloitte Consulting)
The Self-Organizing Enterprise – Awareness, Alignment, Agility
Business Maps: A People-Focused Tool to Harness Innovation & Creativity
Building Communities for Strategic Innovation
Innovation in Productivity – Management By Attention
Collaborative Workgroups and Innovation
Spring 2002:
Collaborative Knowledge Networks (San Francisco @ San Francisco State University)
Collaborative Knowledge Networks
Sparrow Web: Group-Writable Web Pages
Expertise Automation for the Enterprise
Vocabulary-based Approach to B2B Collaboration
The Benefits of Decentralized Collaboration
Winter 2001:
Simulation & Knowledge Management (San Francisco @ knOwhere)
Practioner Remarks: Tango Simulation
The knOwhere Store
Serious Play
Hewlett-Packard Business Simulation
The Business Transformation Game (BTG)
High Performance Systems (Thinking) Workshop
Fall 2001:
Basex’ Knowledge Management/Communities 2001 West (San Francisco @ California Academy of Sciences)
Interpersonal Communication: Community’s Core
Cutting Edge Community: The Future of the ‘Hood
Legitimizing Community as an Industry: Notes from a PioneerPanels:
Knowledge Communities
Embedded Community
Event of the Decade: IBM’s WorldJam
Summer 2001:
The Semantic Web (San Francisco @ San Francisco State University)
The Semantic Web (keynote)
The Services Web
The Programmable Web
Web Services – Microsoft .Net
The Inter-Creative Web
Project Renaissance
Spring 2001:
The eKnowledge Marketplace Revolution (San Francisco @ San Francisco State University)
eKnowledge Markets: Advanced Research – Prospectus
Intraspect (keynote)
On-line Collaboration and Security
Knowledge Nurture
eKnowledge Markets: Critical Success Factors
Fall 2000:
Building Communities to Build Knowledge & Business Value (San Francisco @ San Francisco State University)
Communities of Practice: The Key to a Knowledge Strategy (keynote)
Shared Knowledge and a Common Purpose: 12 Principles for building Web Communities
Evolving Enterprise Collaboration on the Internet (Part II)
Human Capital: Results of Recent Research from Andersen Consulting
Supporting Communities to Nurture Innovation
Scalable Q&A Infrastructure For Knowledge Communities
Measuring Community Success: Lessons from E-Business
Summer 2000:
Title n.a. (San Francisco)
Value Networks & Knowledge ManagementDiscussions:
Preparing for the Extended Knowledge Enterprise (discussion session)
Knowledge Management Professional Development (panel discussion)Provider Presentations (eKnowledgeCenter, WebEx, Plumtree Software, Autonomy, Tacit Knowledge Systems, KnowledgeTrack)
Winter 1999:
Context, Community, Collaboration, Content and Commerce: Building the Knowledge Enterprise (San Francisco @ PeopleSoft)
Collaborative Context: Why Physical Space Matters
Evolving Enterprise Collaboration on the Internet
Breakout Session & Presentations: Preparing for the Knowledge Enterprise
Fall 1999:
Visualize Knowledge (San Francisco)
Introduction to the Knowledge Management Consortium International
Processing Information: How we Think and How We Learn
Why Knowledge Management Efforts Fail
Creating Shared Meaning With Visual Knowledge Tools
Story Telling: A Practical Approach to Knowledge ManagementPanel Discussion: Visual, Aural, Spatial, Proximal, Remote, & Tactile Knowledge Management
Breakout Activity & Presentations: Scenario-Based New Media Knowledge Management STOW (Strengths, Threats, Opportunities, Weaknesses)
Field Work: Metreon – A Team Discovery Effort
Summer 1999:
Setting the Pace (San Francisco)
Business & Planning
Complementary Organizations: SF KM Roundtable, KM-Regional Users Group
Organizing for Enterprise Knowledge Management: Executives/Managers
Contextual Inquiry & Results PresentationsGotcha – A KM Portal
What happens when ERP meets KM?
- (CANCELLED) 21st Century Knowledge Management Conference, Oct 2, 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA
Conference Theme: The Future of the Enterprise
(Organizer: Colabria Action Research Networks)Note: the conference was originally scheduled for May 15 and April 2-3, 2014 as Knowledge Management 2014: 21st Century Knowledge Leadership
The 21st Century Knowledge Management Conference is the global Action Research Conference for future-focused knowledge management. It is for leaders and professionals eager to participate in the next great episode of growth and prosperity in the Knowledge Era. Delegates will strive to unlearn the past, focus on people and truly shape the future of knowledge work.
- KM Cluster Summit
- Collective Intelligence Networks Summit, 22 February, 2007, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Summit Theme: 21st Century Knowledge Leadership-
Social Network Dynamics: Building Social Networks for Collective Intelligence
Social Networks Analysis: An X-ray of Collective Intelligence
Overview of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence
The Prediction Markets Market Space: Trading Spaces for Collective Intelligence
Customer Interaction Network: Cisco’s Collective Intelligence Strategy
Network Strategies for Collective Intelligence: Organizational and Value Network Analysis
Prediction Markets: Their Legality Under U.S. Law
Prediction Markets: Trading Uncertainty for Collective Wisdom
The Smartest Mob: A Parable About Times Soon To ComePanel:
The Future of Collective Intelligence Networks - Knowledge Management in Education Summit II, TBD 2007, Waltham, MA, USA
Summit Theme: Leadership and Transformation
(Co-hosts: Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME); New England KM Cluster)Note: The summit was originally scheduled for October 10-11, 2006
DAY 1: Leadership
Introduction: KM in Education Leadership
K-20 Frameworks: Leading Strategies Across Sectors
Curriculum As Living Content: The Use And Reuse Of Open Educational Content
Process to Value: Leading Complexity and Value Networks in Education
Storytelling and Institutional Narrative: Using Individual Knowledge to Expand Organizational Capacity
Web 2.0. What does it Bring to Education? Case Studies and Success StoriesDAY 2: Transformation
Educational Knowledge Networks: Understanding the Transformative Powers of Collaboration
Accountability and Knowledge: Mastering Effective Data Connections
Advocacy and Policy: Knowledge Use in Education
Transformation Readiness Assessment:
Preparing for Data-led TransformationKM in Education Technology
- The Future of Media Summit, July 18 & 19, 2006, San Francisco & Sydney, USA & Australia
(Organizer: Future Exploration Network (FEN), Colabria)-
Opening: Frameworks for the Future of Media
Conversation: The Future of Traditional and New Media (Summit: Sydney and San Francisco)Panels:
How Will Content Be Created?
Where Will the Money Be?
Participant Panels
Challenges and Opportunities in the Future of Media (Summit: Sydney and San Francisco)
The Globalization of Media (Summit: Sydney and San Francisco) - KM Cluster Annual Summit, April 18-19, 2005, San Francisco, CA, USA
Summit Theme: Social Media-
DAY 1: Business Blogs – An Interactive Workshop and Conversation
What do Blogs Bring to Business? Case Studies, Success Stories and Next Practices
Getting Started with Social Media: Critical Steps to Getting Started Right
External Communication: Essentials of Blogs for External Communication
Internal Communication and Collaboration: Using Blogs and Wikis inside Your Organization
Personal Knowledge Management: Using Blogs to Manage Your Knowledge
Open Conversation: What do Blogs Mean to You?DAY 2: The Engelbart Hypothesis: Beyond Collaboration To Collective IQ
The Engelbart Hypothesis & Diaspora
Case Studies: What is working and what is not?
21st Century Bootstrapping: KM is Business GovernmentBreakout Work Sessions:
Contextual Analysis
Learning from the Emerging FutureParticipant-led Conversation
- KM Cluster Global Summit, May 21, 2004, San Francisco, CA, USA
Summit Theme: Social Networks
(Co-sponsor: Institute for Social Network Analysis of the Economy)-
A Conversation with Mark Granovetter, Professor in the Department of Sociology at Stanford University
Logit Models for Social NetworksPresentations:
The Hidden Power of Social Networks: Understanding How Work Really Gets Done in Organizations
Institute for the Social Network Analysis of the Economy
Tapping the Networks of InnovationVendor Breakout Discussions
- KM Cluster Strategy Summit, June 19-20, 2003, San Francisco, CA, USA
Summit Theme: Analytics and Taxonomies-
Ladder of Business Intelligence
Enterprise Smart Discovery: Mastering Unstructured Data ManagementPresentations:
Collaborative Analytics: Driving Knowledge Processes for the Real-Time Enterprise
Enterprise Intellectual Infrastructure: Taxonomic Foundation for Enterprise KM
Global Professional Services Taxonomies: Lessons Learned
Bottom-Up Knowledge Management
Categorization & Classification: Cleaving the Gordian Knot of Knowledge Structures
Real-Time Enterprise: Dashboard Systems
Connecting People to Information: Creating Knowledge for Better Decision Making
Taxonomy, Metadata & Search: How Content Learns
Strategic Business Measurements: Setting and Monitoring
Case Study: Analytics and Taxonomies for Enterprise-wide Reporting - Knowledge Management in Education Summit, December 12-13, 2002, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, USA
Summit Theme: The Knowledge-Based Drive for Accountability, Quality and Assessment
(Co-hosts: Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME); Bay Area and Silicon Valley KM Cluster)-
The Future of KnowledgePresentations:
KM in Education
Connecting Times
K-12 Knowledge Management: Challenges and Solutions
Knowledge Management at Jackson State University
Changing Tires While Driving: Building Communities of Practice in the Community College
Why People Don’t Tell What They KnowPanel Discussion:
KM and Learning
- Collective Intelligence Networks Summit, 22 February, 2007, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- London KM Cluster Symposium
- London KM Cluster Symposium 2005, Friday, April 29, 2005, London, UK
Symposium Theme: Enterprise Value Metrics and Measurement: Advancing Intellectual Capital Leadership-
How to Value Intellectual Capital: Lessons from the European SMEs
Australian Red Cross Blood Service Intellectual Capital Report
IM-BOOT: Creativity and Innovation Community
Intellectual Capital Network - London KM Cluster Symposium 2004, Monday, July 12, 2004, London, UK
Summit Theme: Social Tools for the Enterprise-
Social Software: Ready for the Enterprise?
Working In A Wired World
Knowledge Workers: Maps, Enhanced Presence, Instant Messaging
Understanding the Payback: A workshop to create Aha! Moments -or- Why 10 Million People Choose To Blog
Collective IntelligenceSocial Software Café
Joined up Knowledge Sharing: Supporting Informal, Joined Up Knowledge Sharing In a Networked Organisation Using Social Software
- London KM Cluster Symposium 2005, Friday, April 29, 2005, London, UK
- 2nd Global Knowledge Economics Summit, November 4-5, 2002, New York, USA
(Organizer: Global Knowledge Economics Council; Host: Novell; Sponsor: KM Cluster)