Knowledge Research Institute (KRI)*
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The Knowledge Research Institute (KRI), formerly The Wiig Group, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Certification Courses
- Certified Knowledge Manager – 2 days
(Certificación (Internacional) en Gestión del Conocimiento)-
In cooperation with:
2017: Construyendo y Desarrollando; Consultoría GP & innovati – Centro de Innovacion
2013-2014: CEOSOFT Colombia
- Management Seminars and Working Meetings on what Knowledge Management is about and how best to pursue it (1 day/monthly repeated)
- Systematic Knowledge Management Approach Preparation to plan for Knowledge Management strategy, tactics, and activities (one month)
- Working-Level Seminars and Courses: targeted training in specialized Knowledge Management methods (e.g. knowledge flow analysis, work function knowledge requirements; 4 days)
- Apprenticing Programs to educate practitioners to become competent with Knowledge Management methods (6 weeks over 6 months period)
- Fundamentals of Knowledge Management for Successful Enterprises / Introduction to People-Focused Knowledge Management** (8-week online workshop) 1)
Module 1 – Competing in the Global Economy Requires Effective Enterprises
Module 2 – The Effective Enterprise
Module 3 – Actions Are Initiated by Knowledgeable People
Module 4 – Mental and Structural Reference Models
Module 5 – A Knowledge Model for Personal Situation-Handling
Module 6 – Enterprise Situation-Handling
Module 7 – People-Focused Knowledge Management in Daily Operations
Module 8 – People-Focused Knowledge Management Expectations - Master classes (e.g. Situation-Handling and Mental Models: Stories Drive People-Centered Knowledge Management)
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