Knowledge Integrator Nodes (KINs)

Abstract: The concept of the emergence of a knowledge integrator node in project teams or internal and external networks of a firm is explored. Aspects of the literature on the knowledge creation process and key actors and their roles and knowledge management in boundary-spanning networks development in multinational companies are presented. A grain trading

Champions Of Knowledge

Abstract: It has become a truism of the New Economy that a company’s most valuable asset is the knowledge in its workers’ heads. So more and more companies are making it a top priority to ease the flow of skills and experience among employees – to save the resources workers waste

Knowledge Stewards’ Profiles

Abstract: Knowledge “stewards” are information professionals that work on the front lines to help teams achieve specific business objectives — land a client, implement a project, develop a product, solve a problem. We were interested to see that, like us, they use a combination of tools and techniques we call knowledge base publishing to

International Conference on Ontologies and Knowledge Graphs (ICOKG)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The International Conference on Ontologies and Knowledge Graphs (ICOKG) is a research-oriented conference on knowledge graphs, ontologies and other related topics, organized by the Ontological Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Computer Sciences, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico. It aims to be an open forum for communication between students and researchers who carry out initial, intermediate