Abstract: This chapter introduces a framework for analyzing governance arrangements of KM programs. The framework is used to analyze the organizational structures, processes and relational mechanisms, including leadership matters, which guide the KM program of a large European corporation. The analysis focuses on the issues KM leaders and staff encounter in defining their KM
Knowledge Share Fair and KM4Dev meeting in Colombia
Abstract: During May 2010 the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) hosted two exciting events related to knowledge management (KM): The Knowledge Share Fair for Latin America and the Caribbean, funded by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and a regional meeting of the Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev) community.
Knowledge Management certification in Brazil
In the Groups.io discussion list of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community Beatriz B. asks: Hello, I´m a member of Bazilian Society of Knowledge Management (Sociedade Brasileira de Gestão do Conhecimento – SBGC). We are looking for a KM certifiction model to deploy at Brazil. The idea is to bring
Knowledge Management Curriculum Development at the University of Economics in Katowice
Abstract: The aim of the article is to present the key assumptions related to the development of a new specialization, Knowledge Management in an Organization in the Economics Programme, at the University of Economics in Katowice (Poland). The fundamental reasons behind the launch of such a specialization, which would equip students with unique skills
Being a Knowledge Manager for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Abstract: A few weeks back I had the privilege of a conversation with Patricia Eng who directs knowledge management for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. I had met Patricia at KM World the previous November, and was impressed by her passionate, no-nonsense, deeply practical approach to KM, not to mention a very robust sense