Knowledge Management for 21st Century Information Professionals

Abstract: Due to rapidly changing information and communication technology (ICT), library science has been incessantly evolving. The internet has further transformed the information society into to a global society. The knowledge explosion and ICT tools have equipped information and library science with immediate access to practically limitless sources, plus quick storage, retrieval and sharing

Information Management Training Resources Guide

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: This guide contains descriptions of and web links to information about records and information management training programs and courses. It has been compiled by the Information Management Branch to assist Government of Alberta employees in selecting training programs which may assist their career development. This guide will also serve to support the

Wissensmanagement in turbulenten Zeiten – 4/2009, Köln, Deutschland

Providers | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

GfWM-Stammtisch Rheinland am 16.04.2009 (md) In der gegenwärtigen Situation stehen sicher viele Wissensmanager unter verstärktem Erklärungsdruck, welchen Nutzen das WM bringt. Da ist es nützlich, sich einmal aus den Details der Implementierung zu lösen, einen Schritt Abstand zu gewinnen und zu fragen: Warum machen wir das? Was bringt es? Ist das WM bei uns