Abstract: Over the past decades, the information and knowledge professions have become an important facet of the modern economy. The rise of the Internet and the impact of globalization have changed the way companies do business and led them to direct their attention to the importance of managing knowledge and information. Realizing the value
Leadership for Effective Knowledge Management
Purpose: – The challenge facing knowledge management (KM) professionals is how to leverage knowledge for improving organizational performance. From a management perspective, it is important to utilize KM systems for improving communication, and collaboration to enhance employee skills with a focus on improving productivity. From a leadership perspective, it is critical to ensure
When to Trust Knowledge Managers?
Abstract: If its a tough job being a knowledge manager, it’s an even tougher job to trust them with your organisation’s culture and infrastructure. A survey we conducted last year for iKMS found that most knowledge managers are teleported into their jobs from somewhere else, have very little prior knowledge or expertise in KM,
Teaching Knowledge Management: Investigating Scenarios and Applying Technologies
Abstract: This paper introduces the aims of a single optional module in Knowledge Management which is part of an MSc Information Systems programme. The content of the module is enhanced by material generated from collaboration in applied research projects and by enquiry in related modules. The paper argues in favour of participatory learning as
Suggest good courses in knowledge management in an unbiased manner
On LinkedIn Answers Elia S. asks: Can somebody suggest good courses in knowledge management in an unbiased manner? Googling KM courses comes up with tons of companies selling themselves for KM certification, I am more interested in academic and scientific approaches to KM, with high-quality material, stemming from renowned campuses (currently