Abstract: Knowledge Management education and training relevant video recordings from the 2007 interactive forum and dialogue on “Developing KM Professionals for a Knowledge Society: A dialogue and forum” organized by the Information and Knowledge Management Society (iKMS), the School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and Pearson Education. “You
Blogging in a Knowledge Management class – summary
Abstract: For those that have been following my blog for at least three months, you’ll know that I’ve had my students reading blogs and keeping their own. The class and the blogging experiment just finished, and they had a final paper in which they summarized their experiences and answered some final questions I
Information & Knowledge Management Curricula at the Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS)
Abstract: Three basic questions were raised to start with: What characterises the present curriculum of Knowledge Management master programme at RSLIS and How has the content of KM changed during the years? What might have influenced the curricula changes during the years? To what extent have
When knowledge is golden
Abstract: In a highly competitive business world, the success of an organisation depends on many factors, particularly the management’s collective knowledge and competence. According to W B Lee, head of the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), knowledge management (KM) is a valuable business tool
Knowledge Management in Academia (AOK Star-Series)
Pre-Dialogue Remarks: KM in academic programs; How the academic context influences the KM that is taught; What / How should it be taught; KM applied to academia (physician heal thyself); Certification; How is knowledge management taught at the university?