Hochwertiger Bildungsexport nach Japan – Masterstudiengang “Wissens- und Technologiemanagement”

News | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Zusammenfassung: Doshisha Universität und TU Chemnitz entwickeln bis 2007 gemeinsamen Masterstudiengang “Wissens- und Technologiemanagement” Die Kontakte der Technischen Universität Chemnitz zu Hochschulen in Japan treten ab sofort in ein neues Stadium: Die TU Chemnitz schloss am 26. Juni 2005 mit der Doshisha Universität, einer der führenden Universitäten Japans, einen Vertrag über

Educating Knowledge Professionals in Library and Information Science Schools

Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) is a multidisciplinary subject which involves efforts from professionals with diverse backgrounds. This paper aims to investigate the needed educational background and skills for knowledge management professionals. In particular,the focus of the paper is to examine whether a master’s degree in library and information science (LIS) is a preferred educational

Federal Knowledge Management Working Group Seeks Answers

Abstract: The key to understanding and processing information may lie not in new technologies or advanced system architectures, but instead in the secret of effective storytelling. It also might be found just as easily in the classification of ideas, in the semantics of the Web, or even in the ability to pass personal lessons