The University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley, Berkeley, or Cal), formerly the University of California, College of California, and the Contra Costa Academy, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Training and Education in Knowledge Management
Background: Knowledge management is currently a hot topic. Training in KM can mean different things to different people as witnessed on search engines (for example, Google). To see the diversity of what is meant by KM, simply key in the phrase “knowledge management” on a search engine, such as Google. The number and diversity
Culture, Leadership, and Chief Knowledge Officers (CKOs)
Abstract: Organizational culture, organizational leadership, and Chief Knowledge Officers (CKOs) each play important roles in overcoming human barriers associated with knowledge creation, transfer and sharing. This paper examines three key components of organizational culture: cooperative involvement, trust and incentives. In addition, the impact of organizational leadership on knowledge management as well as the roles
Chief Knowledge Officer’s ethical challenges
Abstract: Since the development and the introduction of the knowledge economy Knowledge Management has become an important scientific concept and many disciplines have laid some claims on it. As a re-discovery of the use of knowledge in an economic way to gain a competitive advantage in business it resides mostly in commerce and industry.