Abstract: …Knowledge Management Curriculum: The curriculum proposed was based on the four pillars, each having its own course, bordered with introductory and capstone courses (Figure 1-5). The curriculum was based on a simple definition for KM and emphasized KM’s management/ operational aspects: leveraging relevant knowledge assets to improve organization performance, with emphasis on improving
Records Management Society’s Guide to Distance Learning Options
Abstract: The following guide contains programme titles related to Information Content Management and links to related websites. It is categorized into three main sections: degree programmes; non-degree programmes; and free online courses. It’s scope is to serve as the first destination for those interested in furthering their educational qualifications in the field; here they
Money, Testosterone and Knowledge Management
Abstract: This article chronicles an acrimonious schism in the KM association KM Pro in late 2004, and puts it into the context of other KM association schisms in the USA during the late nineties. I wrote this article originally for the Global Knowledge Review in early 2005. They decided not to publish it after
Certification necessary for Knowledge Management?
In the Toolbox for IT Group Knowledge Management Career cgg916 asks: Lately I have been reading some about KM certification and I was wondering if certification is necessary for KM? If so, are there specific things a person should be certified in, or is there a general KM certification? Thanks
Knowledge Facilitators in Pharma
Abstract: It is commonplace today to make claims that we are living in a knowledge-based, postindustrial society (Teece, 2000). In the knowledge society, the ability to make good use of abstract, codified, and symbol-based information serves as a major production factor. Such ability to make use of information is generally referred to as knowledge