Leaders of Knowledge Initiatives: Qualifications, Roles & Responsibilities

Alex Bennet, Robert Neilson: The Leaders of Knowledge Initiatives: Qualifications, Roles, and Responsibilities. In: Holsapple, C. W. (Ed.): Handbook on Knowledge Management. Volume 1: Knowledge Matters. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag (International Handbooks on Information Systems Series), 2004: 523-538.

Copyright © Springer.

Full text from author on ResearchGate; Preview from Google books

Related sources:

  • Robert Neilson: Knowledge Management and the Role of the CKO. In: Ramon Barquin, Alex Bennet and Shereen Remez (eds.): Knowledge Management: The Catalyst for E-Government. Vienna, VA: Management Concepts, 2001. Full text » (Kyield), Full text » (The Provider’s Edge), Summary » (KMWG), Brainstorming results » (Apr/Jun 2000 Session @ IRMC, National Defense University)
  • CHIPS: Interview with Dr. Robert E. Neilson, Chief Knowledge Officer and Professor at the Information Resources Management College (IRMC) of the National Defense University. CHIPS Magazine – January-March 2001 Full text »
  • Alex Bennet et al.: Knowledge Management Position Descriptions, Knowledge Management Education, Learning, and Development Special Interest Group (Federal CIO’s Knowledge Management Working Group)
  • Karen Danis: Department of the Navy Releases Final Draft of the Civilian Career Path Guide. CHIPS, January-March 2001. Full text »
  • Robert Neilson: Knowledge Management and the Role of the CKO in the Public Sector. Federal CIO Council’s Knowledge Management Working Group Meeting, September 12, 2000, American Institute of Architects, Washington DC, USA Meeting Minutes »
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