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Poussière d’étoiles (Pd’é) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:


  • Disaster Preparedness and the Strategic Management of Information and Knowledge Training Workshop (2 days)


Knowledge, Archives & Records Management Conference (KARM)**

  • KRAM 8, 12-13 November 2015, Pretoria, South Africa
    Conference Theme: Governance and Ethics

  • KRAM 7, 5-7 November 2014, Durban, South Africa
    Conference Theme: Best Practices for Human Rights

      The right to access information

      SESSION ONE: Information and Knowledge Management
      Accelerated change and enterprise content management: successful implementation in changing times
      Knowledge sharing strategies in university libraries: influence on organisational culture and structure
      Fostering communities of practice: sharing best practice for knowledge management

      SESSION TWO: Archives and Records Management
      Social media as a storytelling tool in libraries and archives: best practices for human rights
      Collection stewardship constrained by resources: religious archive management in Pietermaritzburg
      The microfilm of the new millennium: digitisation of Eastern and Southern African liberation struggle archives
      Digital records management: Eastern Cape Office of the Premier Ms Ndaka Muchaonyerwa
      Legal records management and human rights in Zimbabwean magistrate courts: where is the nexus?

      Pre-/Post-conference Workshops: (5/7 Nov)
      Project Management: A Technique for implement in Prokects in Knowledge, Archives and Records Management

  • KRAM 6, 6-7 November 2013, Cape Town, South Africa
    Conference Theme: Integrated Knowledge, Archives and Records Management

      Integrated Knowledge, Archives and Records Management

      SESSION ONE: Information and Knowledge Management
      The impact of corporate knowledge leakage in three SADC public broadcasting organisations
      The extent of mobile phone use for knowledge sharing and record keeping in support of learning among students at NUST, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
      Information management for river basins: the case of the Komati Basin Water Authority (KOBWA)

      SESSION TWO: Archives and Records Management
      Strategies for the effective management of reliable, authentic and useable digital records for as long as they are needed in organisations
      The implications of the protection of personal information legislation on the management of records and archives in universities in South Africa
      The strategic implementation of enterprise content management for effective records management in the South African public sector
      Implementing Novell Vibe as a platform for electronic records and document management within the NRF

      Post-conference Workshops: (7 Nov)
      PAIA – Not only the why, but also the what and how!

  • KARM 5, 1-2 June 2011, Cape Town, South Africa
    Conference Theme: Backing the future with the past

      SESSION ONE: Knowledge Management
      Current trends in knowledge management
      A practical discussion of knowledge management in the project management environment
      Improving the knowledge exchange landscape in the Cape Flats, a developing community in South Africa

      SESSION TWO: Archives
      What lies below: exploring constructions of collective memory in archival collections
      The creation of an electronic database of South African music collections

      SESSION THREE: Records Management
      Incorporating records management into the general managerial functions of planning, organising, guiding and controlling
      The role of records management in Enterprise Risk Management

      Post-conference Workshops: (2 Jun)
      The Nuts and Bolts of Records Management; Knowledge management in support of competitive intelligence

  • KARM 4, 19-20 May 2010, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
    Conference Theme: A Decade of 21st Century Knowledge, Archives and Records Management

      Managing knowledge, archives and records in a changing environment

      A decade of knowledge, archives and records management as reflected in SA journals and magazines
      The arrangement and description of archives
      An infometric analysis of the print media coverage of the National Archives and Records Service
      Managing university records for competitive advantage in the 21st century
      The implications of records management legislation on the management of records in the early stages of the life cycle
      Harvesting knowledge to promote community development: a case study
      Showcasing an integrated approach to Enterprise Search
      Implementing a successful knowledge management initiative: a case study of the National Department of Human Settlement
      What constitutes information integrity?

      Training Workshops:
      Records Auditing; Supreme integrated record and archive management (SIRAM); Knowledge management practices and tools; Presentation skills

  • KARM 3, 26-28 May 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa
    Conference Theme: Building Strategy
    (Co-organizer: Library and Information Association of South Africa, Limpopo Branch)

      Conference program n.a.

      Post-conference Workshops: (27-28 May)
      Disaster preparedness and the strategic management of information and knowledge; Knowledge Management in support of competitive intelligence; Records management in a tertiary education institution

  • KARM 2, 6-8 May 2008, Polokwane, Limpopo, South Africa
    Conference Theme: Facilitating access to information and knowledge

      Conference program n.a.

      Training Workshops:
      Marketing your archives; Appraisal of records: key to efficient and effective management of organisational records; Crossing the divide between information and knowledge professional; Knowledge management through stories; Customer care; Conflict resolution

  • KARM 1, 10-13 July 2007, Cape Town, South Africa
    Conference Theme: Managing for competitive advantage

      Conference program n.a.

      Training Workshops:
      Team leadership; Customer relations; Business writing; Management skills; Supervisory and leadership skills; Conflict management

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