Governing Knowledge and Imagination in the Digital Era (SMS Special Conference)*
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Governing Knowledge and Imagination in the Digital Era is a special conference organized by the Strategic Management Society, a SMS Special Conference, formerly known as SMS Mini-Conference.
Compared to the Annual International Conference of the SMS, the Special Conferences, are a series of smaller, more focused meetings addressing specific industry or subject themes. These Special Conferences are typically co-organized between the SMS, an Interest Group and a group of local individuals and/or local institutions.
Conference History: (Relevant Conferences)
SMS Special Conference
Governing Knowledge and Imagination in the Digital Era, June 15-18, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
(Host: SDA Bocconi School of Management, Bocconi University)
- Conference Tracks:
Governance, Leadership and Human Capital in the Digital Era
Entrepreneurship, Knowledge and Imagination in the Digital Era
Knowledge and Imagination for Strategic Processes and Practices in the Digital Era
Digitalized Industrial Communities
A Collaborative and Innovative Way of Working in the Digital Era: Agile
Design Thinking in the Digital Era
Interactive Media Roundtables: (4)
Imagining, Leading, and Governing the Future of Mobility
Harnessing life experience into organizational success: Evidence from practice and research
Smart Restart: Recovering from Breach of Contracts & Trust Stemming from Global Disruption
Remote Sensing Data in Strategic Management Research and Practice
SMS Special Conference
Sharing Strategies for the Connected World, June 7-9, 2018, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway
(Host: Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, BI Norwegian Business School)
- Pre-conference Doctoral Workshop, June 7
Conference Tracks (“Knowledge” Sessions):
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Connected World; Organizing for Sharing and Collaboration; Cooperative Strategies for Sharing and Exchanging Knowledge (Relations, Knowledge Sharing and Exchange; Knowledge Sourcing and Innovation); Global Strategies for a Connected World (Knowledge and Restructure in the Multinational Corporation)
Showcase Panel Discussions:
Competition, Knowledge Sharing and Exchange among Rival Partners in the Connected World
SMS Mini-Conference/Workshop
The Role of Knowledge and Learning in Strategic Management, September 22, 2002, Ecole Centrale Paris, Paris, France
(Host: Strategy and Technology Research Lab, Ecole Centrale Paris / SMS Interest Group on “Managing Knowledge”; In conjunction with/prior to the SMS Annual International Conference, Sep 22-25)
Note: The Mini-conference/workshop is organized by the newly created SMS Interest Group on “Managing Knowledge”
Knowledge Management in practice at Siemens
Discussion Topics:
Strategy and Knowledge; What exactly is Organizational Knowledge?; Dilemmas in implementing Knowledge Management; Co-evolution of Knowledge in social networks; Corporate Universities as strategic learning centers; Reconsidering Organizational Knowledge
Open discussion; What have we learnt?; Next steps