- Sub-theme: AI and Knowledge Management
information profession
BOBCATSSS Association
The BOBCATSSS Association, formerly the European Association for Library and Information Education and Research (EUCLID),1)2) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Routes into Knowledge Management
Abstract: “You know when something is more than a passing fad,” notes David Skyrme “academic institutions start planning courses.” Indeed, not only academic institutions, but member organisations and consultancy firms too, including David Skyrme Associates. Indeed, on 11th October this year, the City Information Group are chairing a discussion evening, at the Baltic Exchange,
Knowledge Management through the Lens of LIS: A Study of Job Advertisements
Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) is influential as a concept and practice, referring to the capture, codification, and interpretation of knowledge. KM can be viewed as a form of library and information science (LIS) or a distinct professional area. Wider debates around the skills of newly qualified LIS workers, the LIS curriculum, and the current
Roles and skills for knowledge management – A TFPL Report
Abstract: This report is the results of the first ever research project to investigate the roles and skills required to create and maintain a knowledge environment. Much has been written about the theory of knowledge management and how it is being implemented, but until now little was known about the knowledge leaders and