Abstract: A few years ago in Canberra’s Public Sector Informant I wrote an article called ‘The ideal knowledge manager’. In it I addressed the challenge of finding staff able to work as knowledge managers or as part of a KM team. I suggested then that librarians and information professionals had a head start in
information professional
Future role of knowledge and information professionals
Abstract: Explores the knowledge management paradigm, and offers a model for understanding the future role of knowledge and information professionals. The article starts by exploring the concept of knowledge management and the strategies for its implementation in business organizations. This theme is developed into a consideration of knowledge management in the public sector. Three
Role of Information Professionals in Knowledge Management Programs
Abstract: The implementation of a knowledge management program in an organization has the potential of improving customer services, quickly bringing new products to market, and reducing cost of business operations. Information technologies are often used in knowledge management programs in informing clients and employees of latest innovation/development in the business sector as well as
IMS Master’s specialization in Knowledge Management @ Monash University
Abstract: The value of knowledge is increasingly being recognized and more and more enterprises are attempting to explicitly manage this most valuable asset. It is nowadays widely recognized that knowledge should be managed within the context of the overall business. The focus should therefore fall on using knowledge to gain a competitive advantage.
Attributes of information service professionals for information and knowledge management
Abstract: A value learned by information service professionals in ‘information studies’ is the belief that the key to empowering people is sharing expertise and information, and collaborating across organisational boundaries and functional units. This belief has become part of the information professional’s ‘culture’, part of our value system – the normal and accepted way