Abstract: As we previously discussed in an article about the top 5 knowledge management challenges, managing knowledge translates to converting raw data into comprehensible information, which all members of your team can access, anytime. We also talked about some of the best practices you need to follow to make sure that
Intellectual Capital Manager
Chief Knowledge Officer as Knowledge Champion
Abstract: MAYBE YOU FIRST HEARD ABOUT IT on the elevator, during a business lunch or on the golf course. Whatever the venue, at some point in the past few years you heard the words knowledge management (KM). And there’s a good chance your company has since come to understand the necessity of transforming information
US Department of the Navy Civilian Career Path Guide for Managing Knowledge etc.
Abstract: On 16 August 2000, the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, Mr. Dan Porter signed a Memorandum for Distribution releasing the final draft of the Department of Navy Civilian Career Path Guide for Management of Technology, Information, and Knowledge. The final version will be released in early 2001, and will be