Knowledge Management Certification Board (KMCB) 1) has offered and accredited Knowledge Management education and training
Knowledge Management accreditation
Knowledge Management Certification, any ideas?
In the Knowledge Management (kneme) LinkedIn Group Firoz K. asks: KM Certification, I’ve been in the field for a number of years and recently my employer has asked for me to recommend some courses to get some official titles under my belt in KM. Any ideas? Join the
Gurteen on Knowledge Management Certification
Abstract: The topic of “KM Certification” is hotly debated in KM circles. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong in receiving certificates for attending a course or for being certified or accredited to practice specific KM techniques. (Cognitive Edge, for example accredits practitioners who have attended their workshops.).
SLA Knowledge Management (KM) Certification!?
Abstract: The SLA Knowledge Management Division has been having a lively discussion regarding KM certification via the listserv that members are automatically subscribed to when joining. This division is relatively new to SLA but, if the programs at the annual conference and the traffic on the listserv is any evidence of success of