Filed in: knowledge-based organization

Online Info Sessions 10/2009: Online Master’s Degree in KM @ Cal State University Northridge, USA

Universities, Colleges | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

In this Information Age, industries that manage and provide services, information and knowledge – especially those that cannot be outsourced – will continue increasing in size and demand. To manage the 21st century enterprise, leaders need to be savvy in utilizing relevant technologies, engaging modern communications, effectively managing distant and diverse staff, and leveraging global

Attributes of information service professionals for information and knowledge management

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: A value learned by information service professionals in ‘information studies’ is the belief that the key to empowering people is sharing expertise and information, and collaborating across organisational boundaries and functional units. This belief has become part of the information professional’s ‘culture’, part of our value system – the normal and accepted way