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Careers in (Federal) Knowledge Management

News | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: On June 28th, as part of the 2010 ALA Annual Conference, approximately 45 would-be Knowledge Managers had the opportunity to interact with some of the federal government’s leading Knowledge Management (KM) practitioners in an exciting informational/networking event hosted by Amanda Wilson, Director of the Department of Transportation’s National Transportation Library.

Information and Knowledge Management Competencies for Information Professionals

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: The paper discusses competencies for new age information professionals. Emphasis has been on the changes within LIS market during the last 2-3 decades, with a particular emphasis on the new roles LIS professionals have to assume in information and knowledge management positions in the corporate world. Management and functional competencies have also been

Knowledge Management Education, Roles, Responsibilities and Core Competencies

Weblogs | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: As knowledge management challenges once again top the agenda of many CEOs, an emphasis on getting more value from corporate knowledge assets has heightened the interest in knowledge management as a professional area of practice. Providing education in KM, which can include specialized courses, seminars, certifications, and formal undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs