Abstract: Employees are exposed to all kinds of training, be that related to soft skills or those related to technical skills. However one of the training that they should undergo and which most companies ignore is knowledge management training. Let us check why employees should undergo knowledge management training. The essence of
knowledge management training
German-language Knowledge Management Training for Newbies?
In the discussion group of Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev) Johannes S. asks: Dear all, As a question for the German-speaking members among us, do you know of any good German-language KM trainings (scope 40 hours or so) that you can recommend to new KM team members that are relatively
Knowledge Management Events – Online & Free of Charge
Online and free of charge Knowledge Management training and education opportunities.
Notes on “Tomorrow’s KM Leaders: Education for KMers!” panel @ KMWorld 2021
Abstract: Does formal graduate education in KM or alternative and varied experience provide the best preparation and pathway to KM employment? These are my notes from the KMWorld Connect 2021 Conference. I’m publishing them as soon as possible after the end of a session so they may contain the occasional typographical
Knowledge Management Training (APQC Resource Collection)
Abstract: This collection offers guidance on training employees to participate in, leverage, and promote knowledge management. The best practices focus on four segments of the workforce: Learners who access, absorb, and use organizational knowledge Contributors who submit tips and lessons, answer questions, and otherwise share know-how