Global Knowledge Managers Survey Results 2023

Abstract: Developing transparency about and insight into a subject or community helps making better decisions. Sun Tzu formulated it slightly differently, but it was, and still is, critical.

Learning about the global community of Knowledge Managers usually starts by asking questions. A long list is repelling for respondents, a short one is trivial. 26 questions are a start and revealed many interesting and some disturbing insights. Some will need further investigation. 42 figures present the data as well as some more integrated perspectives.

As usual, the ones who do the reflecting – all those who contributed – learn the most. Others might confirm some of their positions, and some will hopefully have an accelerated start into the exciting field of Knowledge Management (KM) and the many different approaches of Knowledge Managers (KMers).

We hope to provide some essential data on the state of Knowledge Management as well as to attract many more participants to our survey in our ambition to improve transparency of KM.


1. Summary

    Networks of knowledge management
    Summary and key findings
    Recommendations to improve KM implementation
    Profile of the typical knowledge manager

2. Demography

    Knowledge Management is global
    Timeline of first contact to KM
    Basics on demography: seniority, age and gender
    Distribution of age, gender and seniority among respondents
    Distribution of industries among respondents
    Industry and size of organizations matters for KM
    Formal education by gender 20
    Focus of education
    Timelines of KM shows growth in selected countries
    KM is gender neutral
    Distribution among disciplines and degrees of kmers by gender
    Job titles of KMers
    KM hierarchies: to whom KMers report to

3. KM Role and Activities

    Balanced allocation of time to KM activities
    KMers are pioneers and innovators
    KM related degrees
    Maturity of KMers
    Formal degrees of KMers
    Domains of activitiy by KMers
    Understanding of KM strategic positioning
    Preferences of KM by country
    KM is communication
    Understanding of km strategic positioning by seniority
    Time spent on activities relevant to knowledge management

4. Learning Perspective

    Sources for KMers
    Time investment for learning and upgrading KM skills
    Upgrading KM skills by country and gender
    Learning behaviour
    External risks and new chances
    Pioneers and opportunities for expansion
    KM as a missed opportunity to grow?
    Ressources and services in demand by KMers

5. Method

    Data collection
    Self assessment of the quality of inputs by respondents
    High quality of inputs
    Data cleaning


Manfred Bornemann is founder and CEO of Intangible Assets Consulting. Kristina Mirchuk is founder and CEO of Geist Consultancy. Both are members of the bord of the Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement e. V. (GfWM) and active members of the Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN).

Manfred Bornemann; Kristina Mirchuk: BLUE BOOK on Knowledge Management 2023. Graz, Éibar: Intangible Assets Consulting GmbH & GEIST Consultancy, February 2023.

(CC) BY-SA Manfred Bornemann; Kristina Mirchuk. The inspiration came from discussions in the context of GfWM and KMGN, but these networks are not liable in any case.

Related Resources:

  • Robert Freund: Profile of the typical knowledge manager. Dr. Robert Freund Blog, 20 April 2023 Full text »
  • Kristina Mirchuk, Manfred Bornemann et al: Q&A to the Blue Book on Knowledge Management. KMGN Zoom Webinar, Mar 10, 2023. Linkedin event page » | Online Whiteboard » (Results)
    • Short Presentation w. Questions & Answers
    • Working Groups: Competencies related to Knowledge Management; Joint Activities: Projects to Grow Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management in Organizations: Strategies and Hierarchies
  • KMGN: State of Knowledge Management – 2023. Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN), February 2023. Full text » (Alternative full text »)
  • KMGN: Survey on the state of Knowledge Management Professionals. Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN), December 2022. Participate » (2023 Results Table »)
  • Manfred Bornemann: BLUE BOOK on KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 2023. GfWM WeBlog, 23. Februar 2023. Read more »
  • Manfred Bornemann: Umfrage zum Status von Wissensmanagement-Professionals. GfWM WeBlog, 2. Dezember 2022. Read more »
  • Molly Chaudhuri et al.: Knowledge Management: Trends, Careers, & Jobs. Bangalore K-Community Zoom Meetup, November 16, 2022. Agenda »
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