Abstract: Lately I’m increasingly convinced that without a Chief Knowledge Officer, KM is not likely to go very far in organisations. The KM function tends to be placed at mid level, obscured within a broader corporate function like Organisation Development. Seldom does it report directly to a senior manager. Even when it does, the
knowledge management
Integration of Knowledge Management with the LIS Curriculum
Abstract: The growing recognition of the importance of knowledge management (KM) has led to calls for curriculum review in Library and Information Science (LIS). Drawing on the findings of a research project on the implications of KM for LIS education, this paper examines the focus of current LIS curricula in addressing KM and
Concept for preparing students for knowledge management
Abstract: In today’s society the ability to practice individual knowledge management has become a core competence. Schools are still the most important institutions for education and thus it is their duty to prepare students for their future (professional) life. Imparting knowledge management competences is a basic necessity that can be beneficial for the schools
Knowledge Management course development for business schools
Boston KM Forum Monthly Thursday Afternoon Meeting, Jun 18, 2009 (lynda) The Boston KM Forum is opening the June 18th Thursday meeting to the audience for a Sharing/Roundtable/Q &A session. This is a moderated “open mic” discussion of knowledge management topics…. Session details Time: June 18,
Organizational knowledge leadership
Purpose: Knowledge management as a key top executive function has not been sufficiently explored in the leadership literature. This study seeks to examine the role of top executives in knowledge management by first building theoretical hypotheses and subsequently testing them. Hypotheses are developed through the integration of the knowledge management and leadership literatures