On the KnowledgeBoard discussion list Kavita P. asks: I would like to know what exactly is the role of knowledge manager and how one can enhance oneself to be effective knowledge manager. Archived discussion » Kavita P.: Exact role of Knowledge Manager. KnowledgeBoard discussion list,
knowledge manager
Knowledge Managers in Private Organizations?
In the discussion group of Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev) Paul D. asks: Hello, This post is not for a great question but for a small concern that progressively rises with me this summer. I noticed that several great Institutions do have function(s) named “knowledge manager” while I do not know
JDN Dossier ‘Métier: Knowledge Manager’
Abstract: Comment est-on amené, dans l’entreprise, à exercer des missions de gestion des connaissances ? Quels sont les qualités requises ? Existe-t-il des formations ? Comment la fonction va-t-elle évoluer ? Le point sur un métier en devenir. TEMOIGNAGES: Jean-François Ballay (EDF-GDF) : “Plutôt
Knowledge Management Jobs in Kenya
Abstract: Rationale of study – Most organisations in Kenya face challenges integrating the knowledge management function in their structures due to the lack of a clear understanding of what knowledge managers should do. Consequently, there currently exist varied, unpredictable and often shallow job descriptions associated with knowledge managers. Methodology – The researchers conducted
Knowledge Management role titles & responsibilities?
In the Groups.io discussion list of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community Darrin Q. asks: Hello, I have been in the field of training and development for 8 years now. I discovered knowledge management in graduate school and ever since I have been studying best practices and talking with other experts in