In the LinkedIn Group of the Knowledge Management Education Hub Chloe N. asks: Hello everyone! What do you think are the top three skills for knowledge managers? Which skills do you think is most in demand? I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions for a blog post I’m writing.
knowledge manager
Staffing a knowledge management program and community management effort
Abstract: A recent discussion in the SIKM Leaders Community focused on staffing a knowledge management program and community management effort. The initial post was from someone establishing a Knowledge Management Program Office with a focus on Communities of Practice who wanted to build a case for one or more dedicated resources.
International Knowledge Management Professional Society (iKMPro)*
The International Knowledge Management Professional Society (iKMPro), formerly the Knowledge Management Professional Society (KMPro) and for some time the Knowledge and Innovation Management Professional Society (KMPro),1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
32,000 knowledge managers in the world!?
Abstract: There are maybe 32,000 knowledge managers in the world. Give or take. That figure is almost certainly wrong, but there are 32000 people on linked-in with the word “Knowledge” (or Conocimiento, or Connaissance, or Kennis, etc etc) in their current job title, in a selection of the larger countries.
Librarians the ultimate knowledge managers?
Abstract: This paper seeks to establish the state of knowledge of Knowledge Management (KM) among Library and Information Services (LIS) professionals, the extent to which they find positions in the KM sector, the extent to which they practise identifiable KM processes in their work and the adequacy of educational preparation and professional development opportunities.