Abstract: During May 2010 the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) hosted two exciting events related to knowledge management (KM): The Knowledge Share Fair for Latin America and the Caribbean, funded by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and a regional meeting of the Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev) community.
knowledge sharing
Knowledge Management education, adoption and research in Hong Kong
Abstract: Hong Kong has accelerated its transformation into the new economy in a big way. Established in 2007, The Knowledge Management Research Centre (KMRC) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPolyU) has played a pivotal role in this tranformation with its educational program, research, and professional services. This talk will comprehensively introduce the centre,
Look at the Top 10 Knowledge Management Challenges
Abstract: For students working towards a Master’s degree in Knowledge Management at California State University, Northridge (CSUN), a key part of the program involves identifying the KM challenges that prove most taxing to today’s practitioners. In this article, two students enrolled on the distance-learning course, Donna Edwards and Jim Wolff, present the findings of
Knowledge Managers Share Knowledge!?
Abstract: I’ve had a creeping suspicion for some time that knowledge managers are fine about encouraging others to share knowledge, but that dictum doesn’t apply to them. In my role as President of iKMS I am always trying to get knowledge managers to share, and the ones who do are in the brave minority
Knowledge management and the LIS professions
Abstract: This paper looks at the complex web of interrelationships that is emerging as the library and information professions come to terms with the growing phenomenon of knowledge management. This is manifest at one level in the wider organisational and business context, and at another in the professional and employment spheres. Two of the