K3-Cubed, for some time branded as Human Factor One,1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
knowledge sharing
Social Now*
Social Now, formerly for some time Social Now Europe, successor of Organização 2.0: Ferramentas sociais nas organizações (English: Organization 2.0: Social tools in organizations), is an international event with a unique format, conceived to help you choose tools for the social organisation, whilst reminding you of the importance of adoption and accompanying processes.
Thomson Reuters*
Thomson Reuters, formerly the Thomson Corporation, the International Thomson Organization (ITO), and the Thomson Corporation, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
World Knowledge Forum (WKF)*
The World Knowledge Forum (WKF; Korean: 세계지식포럼) is a fete of knowledge, the biggest in Asia. It is also known as Asia’s Davos Forum (World Economic Forum). Established in October 2000, the World Knowledge Forum gathers more than 200 business and opinion leaders from around the world ranging from environmental and international organizations to world’s
Knowledge Architecture Connect Conference (KA Connect)*
At the Knowledge Architecture Connect Conference (KA Connect), the annual Knowledge Management conference for the AEC Industry, senior and emerging leaders from top Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) firms will gather to learn strategies and tactics for building successful knowledge management programs. Attendees will have ample time to network and collaborate with their peers in