Abstract: The concept of the emergence of a knowledge integrator node in project teams or internal and external networks of a firm is explored. Aspects of the literature on the knowledge creation process and key actors and their roles and knowledge management in boundary-spanning networks development in multinational companies are presented. A grain trading
multinational enterprise
What knowledge managers really manage?
Abstract: In the literature, with the idea of knowledge as perceptive and as a commodity, which can be codified, stored, and easily transmitted (Chiva and Alegre, 2005), the goal of knowledge management is to capture, utilize, and leverage knowledge via the application of information and communication technologies for the benefit of the organization (Vera
European Group for Organisational Studies Colloquium (EGOS)*
- Sub-themes: Organizational Knowledge and the Exercise of Judgment in Organizations: Enactivist Approaches; Creativity, Innovation, and Digital Transformation in the Public Sector: A Crossroads between Internal Human Resource Management and External Sources of Knowledge; Expertise and Professional Expert Knowledge in the Context of Grand Challenges
Academy of International Business Meeting (AIB)*
- Tracks: “Global strategy and organization” Track Topics: Knowledge creation and transfer; Organizational learning
Foreign knowledge brokers’ ethics
Abstract: This paper presents a conceptual and empirical framework to analyse international knowledge brokerage from an ethical perspective through political and corporate incentives on foreign employment. Exploiting nonlinear regressions on a global dataset covering bilateral jobs created by Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) between 161 countries during a seven year period, we find empirical evidence