- Topics of interest: knowledge based systems; knowledge engineering; machine learning; data mining and knowledge discovery in databases; practical knowledge management
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI)*
- Topics: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning; Machine Learning
IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC)*
- Co-located conferences: Artificial Intelligence x Data & Knowledge Engineering (AIxDKE); Artificial Intelligence x Multimedia (AIxMM)
International Society for Knowledge Organization Low Countries Conference (ISKO LC Conference)
The International Society for Knowledge Organization Low Countries Conference (ISKO LC Conference) is the annual conference of the International Society for Knowledge Organization Low Countries Chapter (ISKO LC), covering Belgium, Luxembourg and The Netherlands. It intends to showcase innovative, inspirational and multidisciplinary research in a relentless pursuit towards excellence in the study of Knowledge Organisation.
Assessing and Analysing Knowledge Organization Courses in LIS Education
Abstract: This research explores trends in knowledge organization (KO) in library and information science (LIS) curricula in 68 selected schools located in Southeast Asia, Europe, and North America. The research quantitatively analyzed KO course descriptions in order to identify the modules covered in these LIS programs’ curricula. Information was gathered from the course descriptions