The Knowledge Management Middle East (KMME), successor of the 2010 United Arab Emirates Knowledge Management Forum (UAE KM Forum), is a one-day conference with workshops. It brings together international keynote speakers, academics, leading knowledge management practitioners, along with business and government leaders to provide an opportunity for business and government leaders (1) to learn about
Success Steps*
Providers World Map
Featured Providers (World)
- Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev)Brussels, Belgium
- SIKM Leaders CommunityDetroit, MI, USA
- Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement (GfWM)Berlin, Germany
- Knowledge Management Society of Korea (KMSK)Seoul, Republic of Korea
- International Society for Knowledge Organization: Chapitre Maghreb (ISKO Maghreb)Nancy, France
- Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER)Barcelona, Spain
On the “Regional Pages” you can browse the world’s regions and countries for Knowledge Management education and training providers and providers offering Knowledge Management education and training via information and communication technologies (eLearning).
Currently there are 1195 providers to discover, (more…)