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(sample pages: training, university, community, conference)

Sagology has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Knowledge Management: An Introduction for Leaders (was: A Leader’s Guide to Knowledge Management)
Leading Knowledge in the Big Data Era
Leading Knowledge in a 2.0 World
Knowledge Sharing in a 2.0 World
Big Data and Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management Workshop
Master Classes
- Knowledge, Collaboration, and Sensemaking (2 days)
Putting Action Back in Knowledge Management
- Knowledge Management Seminar (2004-2006, Canadian Forces College)
Defence Knowledge Management Course (2004, Canadian Forces College)
Charting a Course towards a Defence Knowledge Environment Seminar (2003, 72 Communication Group)
Speaking Engagements
- …
Is Big Data the new Knowledge Management (KM)?
Big Data: Lessons Learned from a Knowledge Management Evangelist?
Empowering Knowledge Workers in the Arab World (by Creating a Knowledge Environment) (since 2012)
Social Knowledge: Are you ready for the Future? (since 2009)
Knowledge Management Trends and Co-creation
Woh Knows, Wins
Simple Ideas that work in Complex Environments (e.g. Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Creation and Exchange) (since 2005)
Guiding Organizations into the Future: Are you ready for the future?
The TLC of Knowledge Management: Understanding and Applying the Enablers of Knowledge Management (since 2009)
If Knowledge is Power … Why am I always in the dark? (since 2007)
Cross-Cultural Differences in Social Knowledge Creation and Exchange
Hungry for Knowledge
Storytelling and Knowledge Sharing
Information Anxiety: Fact, Fable, or Fallacy?
Knowledge sharing for service learning organizations
Leading knowledge: Does leadership make a difference?
Where is the Knowledge we have lost in Managers? A Research Agenda for Educators
The Story of Knowledge: Writing Stories that Guide Organizations into the Future
Using Knowledge Management to Enhance Decision Making
Knowledge Management for the Telecommunications Industry
Knowledge Management – Fiction, Fad, or Fact?
The Value of Knowledge
Knowledge Management for Educators
Where is the Knowledge we have lost in Government Managers?
Counting on Knowledge: How Knowledge Management Improves Organizational Effectiveness
Defence Knowledge Management: Simple Ideas for Complex Environments
Knowledge: A View from the North
Defence Knowledge Strategy
Charting a Course towards a Defence Knowledge Environment
The Torii: An Exemplar of Knowledge Management Enablers
Toward an Understanding of Enterprise Dementia
Where is the Knowledge we have lost in Managers?
Enterprise Dementia: Myth, Malady, or Misconception?
Conquering Enterprise Dementia: Knowledge Management Strategies for Public Service Managers
Knowledge Management Middle East (KMME)** 1)
(Co-organizer: Success Steps)
- The Knowledge Management Middle East (KMME), successor of the 2010 United Arab Emirates Knowledge Management Forum (UAE KM Forum), is a one-day conference with workshops. It brings together international keynote speakers, academics, leading knowledge management practitioners, along with business and government leaders to provide an opportunity for business and government leaders (1) to learn about regional and international knowledge management projects, past, present, and future, (2) to assess the business value of empowering knowledge workers, and (3) to learn from other’s knowledge management successes and failures.
United Arab Emirates Knowledge Management Forum (UAE KM Forum), June 14 – 15, 2010, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 1)
(Co-organizer: Success Steps)
- In recognition of the immediate importance of creating value from intellectual capital, this forum will help leaders understand the concepts and significance of knowledge management as well as how they may apply Knowledge Management tools and techniques to achieve a real and lasting advantage. We will gather a number of academic and practitioners experts, keynote speakers, and Knowledge Management specialists, both multinational and Arab, all grouped to share their collective wisdom in the Knowledge Management domain.
Video series on “Creativity and Innovation in Knowledge Management Programs”: Conversations with Stephanie Barnes (Entelechy)
- Creative Leadership
Collective Intelligence
Creativity and Honesty
Creativity and Knowledge Management
Organizational Mindsets
Enabling Innovation through Diversity
Value and Knowledge Management
“Knowledge Management Matters Conversations” Podcast Series
- E1 – Creativity and Innovation
(Defence Knowledge Management)