Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1)
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Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1 or Panthéon-Sorbonne) 1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
École de Management de la Sorbonne (EMS) 2)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Master 2 Management des Systèmes d’information et de Connaissance & Business Analysis (Master SIC–BA apprentisage)
- Master 2 Management des Systèmes d’information et de Connaissance & Big Data (Master SIC-BD apprentisage)
- Master 2 Management of Information and Knowledge Systems (MIKS apprentisage; en anglais)
- Executive Management des Systèmes d’Information et de Connaissance (MSIC)
- Master 1 Management des Systèmes d’Information (MSI´- classique) (spécialités/master 2: Master SIC-BA, Master SIC-BD, MIKS, MSIC)
- Master 1 Système d’Information et de Connaissance (SIC – apprentisage) (spécialités/master 2: Master SIC-BA, Master SIC-BD, MIKS, MSIC)
- International Dual Degree Masters Program in Information and Knowledge Systems Engineering and Management (IKSEM; english; by apprenticeship)** 3)
- Dual degree: Master of Science in Information Systems Engineering (Master MIAGE) Master of Management in Management of Information and Knowledge Systems (Master SIC)
- Master 1 Gestion (spécialités/master 2: Systèmes d’information et de Connaissance)**
Département Mathématiques & Informatique > Centre de Recherche en Informatique > Miage Sorbonne (formation d’excellence en systèmes d’information)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Master Information & Knowledge Systems: Engineering and Management (IKSEM pathways: apprenticeship or classical; in english)
- International Dual Degree Masters Program in Information and Knowledge Systems Engineering and Management (IKSEM; english; by apprenticeship)** 3)
- Dual degree: Master of Science in Information Systems Engineering (MIAGE) and Master of Management in Management of Information and Knowledge Systems (SIC)
- Master 1 Méthodes Informatiques Appliquées à la Gestion des Entreprises (MIAGE) (spécialités/master 2: Systèmes d’Information et de Connaissance (SIC); Information and Knowledge Systems Engineering and Management (IKSEM))
École d’Histoire de la Sorbonne
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Master 1/2 professionnel communication du savoir, technologies de la connaissance et management de l’information