Abstract: The emerging knowledge economy and society bring new challenges to organizations, managers and workers: the accelerating pace of innovation in products, services and processes; the growing importance of work that requires extensive education, experience and judgment; and the escalating complexity of knowledge, which becomes increasingly distributed and changeable, among others. The field of knowledge
Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)*
In 2018 Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), formerly Université Paris-VI (Paris 6), and some smaller institutions merged to form Sorbonne Université.
JDN Dossier ‘Métier: Knowledge Manager’
Abstract: Comment est-on amené, dans l’entreprise, à exercer des missions de gestion des connaissances ? Quels sont les qualités requises ? Existe-t-il des formations ? Comment la fonction va-t-elle évoluer ? Le point sur un métier en devenir. TEMOIGNAGES: Jean-François Ballay (EDF-GDF) : “Plutôt
Sorbonne Université
The Sorbonne Université, 1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Andre Saito’s wiki on Knowledge Management education at JAIST
This wiki used to be the place where Andre Saito from the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology gatherd notes and references for his PhD research on Knowledge Management education. (see research proposal below) Unfortunately the wiki is no longer available but luckily most of it’s valuable content is archived by the WayBack Machine.