BCS SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI)*

BCS SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI)*

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The BCS SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI), formerly the BCS SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the BCS SGES International Conference on Knowledge Based Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence (ES) and the BCS SGES Expert Systems Conference (ES), is the annual conference of the Britih Computer Society’s SGAI, the Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence (formerly SGES, the Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence Expert Systems).
AI aims to be a meeting place for the international artificial intelligence community. The two-track conference with parallel technical and application streams, workshops and tutorials is designed to provide a wide range of options for delegates, whether they are newcomers to the technology or seasoned practitioners. The scope of the conference includes the whole range of artificial intelligence technologies and application areas. Its principal aims are to review recent technical advances in artificial intelligence technologies and to show how this leading edge technology has been applied to solve business problems.

Areas of interest include (but are not restricted to): knowledge based systems; knowledge engineering; constraint satisfaction; intelligent agents; machine learning; model based reasoning; verification and validation of AI systems; natural language understanding; case based reasoning; neural networks; genetic algorithms; data mining and knowledge discovery in databases.

In general AI consists of a technical and an applications stream (papers, posters sessions, and pre-conference workshops and tutorials).

From 1996 to 2020 AI was held in conjunction with the UK Case-Based Reasoning Workshop (in 2019 named as UK Symposium on Case-Based Reasoning (UKCBR)). Since 2007 it is held in conjunction with FAIRS – the (pre-conference) Forum for AI Research Students.

Conference History:

45th AI-2025, 16-18 December 2025, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Conference program TBD

44th AI-2024, 17-19 December 2024, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Conference Sessions (18-19 Dec):
    Deep Learning
    Large Language Models; Machine Learning
    Learning and Reasoning
    Applications of Machine Learning

    Pre-conference Workshops (17 Dec):

43rd AI-2023, 12-14 December 2023, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Conference Sessions (13-14 Dec):
    Speech, Natural Language and Image Analysis
    Machine Learning Applications
    Applications of Knowledge Discovery, Machine Vision and Case Based Reasoning

    Pre-conference Workshops (12 Dec):

    Co-located conferences:
    15th Forum for Artificial Intelligence Research Students (FAIRS), Dec 11

42nd AI-2022, 13-15 December 2022, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Conference Sessions (14-15 Dec):
    AI for Scientific Discovery and Decision Making

    Pre-conference Workshops (13 Dec):

    T: Autonomous Systems, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning – Why the Differences are Important
    A: From Search Queries to Conversations in the Design of Next Generation Information Access Systems

    ‘AI Open Mic’ session
    Panel session

    Co-located conferences:
    14th Forum for Artificial Intelligence Research Students (FAIRS), Dec 12

41st AI-2021, 14-16 December 2021, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK Virtual venue

    Conference Sessions (15-16 Dec):
    T1: Machine Learning; A1: Applications of Machine Learning

    Pre-conference Workshops (14 Dec):

40th AI-2020, 8-9 and 15-17 December 2020, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK Virtual venue

    Note: The conference was scheduled for 15-17 December 2020

    Conference Sessions (15-17 Dec):
    Neural Nets and Knowledge Management (Technical Stream); Machine Learning (Technical Stream)

    Pre-conference Workshops (8-9 Dec):

39th AI-2019, 17-19 December 2019, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Machine Learning, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining; Agents, Knowledge Acquisition and Ontologies; Knowledge Acquisition; Machine Learning for Time Series Data; Applications of Machine Learning


38th AI-2018, 11-13 December 2018, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Machine Learning; Machine Learning in Action; Applications of Machine Learning

    Semantic Deep Learning: enhanced word embedding with semantic knowledge

37th AI-2017, 12-14 December 2017, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Machine Learning, Speech and Vision, and Fuzzy Logic; Machine Learning and Neural Networks; Applications of Machine Learning

    Autonomic Systems that Learn

36th AI-2016, 13-15 December 2016, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining; Machine Learning; Telecoms and eLearning

    Deep learning meets the semantic web

35th AI-2015, 15-17 December 2015, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining; Machine Learning and Knowledge Acquisition; Applications of Genetic Algorithms and Machine Learning


34th AI-2014, 09-11 December 2014, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining; Agents, Ontologies and Genetic Programming; Machine Learning; Machine Learning and Data Mining


33rd AI-2013, 10-12 December 2013, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Representation and Reasoning; Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining; Machine Learning and Constraint Programming


32nd AI-2012, 11-13 December 2012, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Data Mining and Machine Learning; Knowledge Management and Prediction

    Temporal Representation and Reasoning in AI

31st AI-2011, 13-15 December 2011, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Machine Learning; Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining


30th AI-2010, 14-16 December 2010, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining; Machine Learning; Applications of Machine Learning


29th AI-2009, 15-17 December 2009, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining; Reasoning; Data Mining and Machine Learning; Knowledge Acquisition and Evolutionary Computation


28th AI-2008, 09-11 December 2008, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    From Machine Learning to e-Learning; Machine Learning


27th AI-2007, 10-12 December 2007, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Data Mining and Machine Learning; Knowledge Acquisition and Management


26th AI-2006, 11-13 December 2006, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Knowledge Discovery In Data; Knowledge Representation and Management; Semantic Web; Agents and Semantic Web


25th AI-2005, 12-14 December 2005, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Information Learning, Integration and Management; Knowledge Discovery in Data; Reasoning and Decision Making


24th AI-2004, 13-15 December 2004, Queens’ College, Cambridge, UK

    Knowledge Discovery in Data

    Untangling the Semantic Web; Recent Developments in Reinforcement Learning


23rd AI-2003, 15-17 December 2003, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Knowledge Discovery in Data; Spatio-Temporal Reasoning and Machine Learning; Knowledge Organisation, Representation, V&V and Refinement; Image Recognition, Knowledge Bases, Attribute Selection

    Knowledge engineering for automated planning


22nd ES-2002, 10–12 December 2002, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Knowledge Representation and Reasoning; Knowledge Acquisition; Business & Knowledge Management

    Applied Knowledge-Based Engineering; Knowledge Management

21st ES2001, 10–12 December 2001, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Knowledge and Information Management


20th ES-2000, 11-13 December 2000, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Knowledge Management and Knowledge Engineering


19th ES-1999, 13-15 December 1999, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK

    Knowledge and Process Management; Learning; Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering; Knowledge Representation and Refinement

    Using AI to Enable Knowledge Management

    Knowledge Bases for Ill-Structured Knowledge

18th ES-1998, 14-16 December 1998, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK


    Knowledge Bases for Ill-Structured Knowledge; Knowledge Asset Management: Identification of Problems and Selection of Appropriate AI Solutions

17th ES-1997, 15-17 December 1997, Churchill College, Cambridge, UK

    Information and Knowledge Management; Knowledge Based Systems Construction; Verification, Validation and Knowledge Based Systems

    Knowledge Elicitation: Breaking the Bottleneck

16th ES-1996, 16-18 December 1996, St. John’s College, Cambridge, UK

15th ES-1995, December 1995, Queens’ College, Cambridge, UK

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