Boston University (BU)*
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Boston University (BU), established by trustees of the Boston Theological Institute and rooted in the Boston Theological Seminary,1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Boston University Metropolitan College (BU Met – Extended/Continuing Education)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
Department of Computer Science
- Master of Science in Computer Information Systems2) (Concentration: Database and Knowledge Management3); Options: Blended; Online; On-campus)
Concentration Requirements:
Data Mining and Business Intelligence (2006-2007)
Database Security (2006-2007)
Advanced Database Management (2005-2007)Knowledge Management and Data Analysis** (2004-2006; was: Knowledge Management)
Introduction to Electronic Commerce and Web Design** (2004-2006; was: Introduction to Electronic Commerce)
Operations and Project Management** (2004-2005)General Electives:
Introduction to Electronic Commerce, Systems, and Web Design (2007; was: Introduction to Electronic Commerce and Web Design)