Graphwise, officially Ontotext, doing business as Graphwise,1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Switzerland (CH)
Knowledge Management education and training opportunities in Switzerland
International Conference on Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (CDKP)*
The International Conference on Data Mining & Knowledge Management (DaKM), International Conference on Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (DKMP), and the International Conference on Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (CDKP) are organized by the AIRCC Publishing Corporation aka the Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC), a potential predatory publisher and conference organizer.
Swiss Knowledge Management Think Table (SKMTT)
The Swiss Knowledge Management Think Table (SKMTT, Swiss KMTT, or Swiss KM Thinktable),1) formerly the Think Table on Organisational Learning & Capitalisation of Experiences or the Think Table on Learning & Capitalisation of Experiences in Development Cooperation, is an informal community of Knowledge Management/ Sharing practitioners in the Swiss development sector. The
Learning Innovation Conference (LICon)**
Die Learning Innovation Conference (LICon) – Conference on shaping learning organisations (bis 2019: Conference on Digital Learning, Knowledge Management and Stakeholder Development), ehemals die Swiss eLearning Conference (SeLC) – Konferenz für eLearning, Wissensmanagement und Personalentwicklung, präsentiert relevante und neue, businessorientierte Lehr- und Lernformen und beobachtet stets den Horizont der laufenden und kommenden Entwicklungen.
DEZA (CH): Hochschulpraktikum, Abteilung Wissens- und Lernprozesse, DEZA
Company: Direktion für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit DEZA Location: Bern, CH Web- und benutzergerechte Aufbereitung von Instrumenten und Methoden des Wissensmanagement. Sektion Lernen & Vernetzung und Team Kultur und Entwicklung… More