Abstract: The specific tasks of an organization’s Knowledge Manager will depend on the size, needs, and capabilities of that organization. For example, some Knowledge Managers will manage large teams while others will be a one-person department. Generally speaking, Knowledge Managers work cross-functionally with departments and teams to establish company knowledge, improve its functionality, establish
Blog Articles
Blog articles relevant to Knowledge Management education and the Knowledge Management career profile
Company knowledge manager role
Abstract: Good knowledge management is a huge success factor for both employees and customers. Unfortunately, it’s not something that happens spontaneously. Someone has to take the initiative to get things started and then maintain those processes once they’ve been established. The best way for a company to do this is to appoint one of
Why Knowledge Managers Do What They Do
Abstract: You can be forgiven for struggling to define what a knowledge manager does – many knowledge managers struggle to explain it themselves. But perhaps a better question is why they do what they do. What attracts them to this broad, ever changing, and often opaque field of regularly questioned value? I asked several
Chief Knowledge Officer (Team)’s Job
Abstract: At the highest level, Chief Knowledge Officer job, or CKO job, includes managing the processes, practices and technical specifications for the capture, retention and use/reuse of an organization’s knowledge. Many organizations infuse knowledge management into content creation and collaboration, distributing Chief Knowledge Officer job through content leaders, marketing, and line-of-business
Qualities of an Effective Knowledge Manager
Abstract: When introducing knowledge management (km) strategy to an organisation, overcoming hurdles and helping people understand km is just the first step. What are the other key qualities of an effective Knowledge Manager? With the help of our km guru, Paul Whiffen, we explore some common km challenges and 7