Abstract: We often overlook the importance of an organization’s structure in supporting the implementation of a KMS. This is a very critical consideration, because an organization will undergo significant change in the shift from a knowledge-hoarding to a knowledge sharing culture. A KMS isn’t a software package that’s easily installed and then forgotten about.
Books and book chapters relevant to Knowledge Management education and the Knowledge Management career profile
Educating Knowledge Managers: A Competence-Based Approach
Abstract: The emerging knowledge economy and society bring new challenges to organizations, managers and workers: the accelerating pace of innovation in products, services and processes; the growing importance of work that requires extensive education, experience and judgment; and the escalating complexity of knowledge, which becomes increasingly distributed and changeable, among others. The field of knowledge
Leadership in an Information Society
Abstract: After surveying the evolution of the leader’s role as a generalist, Cleveland discusses how information has replaced material things as the major resource that must be managed, and he goes on to discuss how attempting to manage information using techniques developed to manage things will cause trouble for leaders. He considers some of
Leadership in the Knowledge Economy
» In memory of Knowledge Management poineer Debra M. Amidon « Abstract: Leadership is a key influence on the conduct and outcomes of knowledge management in organizations and economies. This chapter advances and describes seven essential aspects of effective knowledge leadership: context, competence, culture, communities, conversation, communication, and coaching. It argues
World Bank Sample Community and Knowledge Management Job Profile Descriptions
Abstract: You can find sample job profiles and descriptions relevant to Knowledge Management in the “The Art of Knowledge Exchange Toolbox” of the World Bank Institute’s South-South Facility and the “Advisory Service Toolkit” of the World Bank Institute’s Knowledge and Learning Services. “The Art of Knowledge Exchange” Toolbox: