Abstract: Over the past decades, the information and knowledge professions have become an important facet of the modern economy. The rise of the Internet and the impact of globalization have changed the way companies do business and led them to direct their attention to the importance of managing knowledge and information. Realizing the value
Miscellany Articles
Miscellany articles relevant to Knowledge Management education and the Knowledge Management career profile
Structuring Competencies for a Knowledge Management Executive Program
Abstract: The main aim of the research was to examine the competencies required for employees to graduate from a MKM Executive Program offered by the International Islamic University Malaysia. The expected research output includes a list of competencies for developing the program structure and learning outcomes, course learning outcomes and descriptions. MKM Executive Program
Community of knowledge management practitioners in the aerospace industry
Abstract: In our previous study, we focused on two spaces: a community of knowledge management (KM) practitioners and their respective work organizations. We found that the “community” largely existed to legitimize KM practices, rather than to learn KM practices. Our current study builds upon this work by uncovering how in fact power relationships in
Knowledge Management Training at Universities
Abstract: The paper will focus on four topics: It will initially consider knowledge management (KM) challenges and benefits. Second, it will present the approach for building KM curricula within the project TRAINMOR KNOWMORE. It will outline the project experience and the results of the needs analysis carried out. In addition, the paper will highlight
Teaching Knowledge Management in Criminal Justice Education
Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) is emerging as an important topic among criminal justice agencies. The growing use of information management systems and the use of mobile technologies to rapidly share large amounts of information among law enforcement agencies now require that law enforcement officers become efficient at managing their intellectual capital. As movement occurs