Critical Skills for Process and Knowledge Professionals

Madison Lundquist: Developing Critical Skills for Process and Knowledge Professionals. An interview with APQC’s 2024 Conference speaker, Maggie Starkey. Huston: APQC, February 13, 2024.


Note: Watch this and other videos relevant to Knowledge Management education and training on the KMedu Hub’s video channels on YouTube or vimeo.

Related resources:

  • Maggie Starkey: People Skills: Teams & KM in the Era of AI. Presentation at the Knowledge Management and Enterprise Solutions Conference (KMWorld), Track C: KM Culture & Collaboration, November 20, 2024, Washington, DC, USA Abstract »
  • Maggie Starkey: Knowledge Management – Community or Profession? Linkedin Pulse, July 21, 2024 Read more »
  • Maggie Starkey: Applying People Skills to Engage Teams & Impact Change. Presentation at the APQC 2024 Conference (Connect. Change. Grow.), April 29 – May 2, 2024, Huston, TX, USA Presentation » (Members-only content)
  • APQC: Developing Critical Skills for Process and Knowledge Professionals. Huston: APQC, February 23, 2024 Read more » (Members-only content)
  • Maggie Starkey: Research on Skills for KM Professionals. SIKM Community, February 8, 2024 Read more »
  • Maggie Starkey: Complete the survey “Skills for Knowledge Management Professionals.”. Linkedin, February 8, 2024 Read more »
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