Founding of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO)

Abstract: Yes, on this very day of July 22nd, 1989, a group of German and non-German members of the German Society for Classification founded the International Society for Knowledge Organisation (ISKO) at the Intercity Restaurant of Frankfurt’s central Railway Station…
The Society is meant to unite nationally and internationally personal and institutional members interested in “research, development and application of all methods for the organization of knowledge in general or of particular fields by integrating especially the conceptual approaches of classification research and artificial in telligence” (Charter Art.4,1)…
The founding of the new international Society had been considered for many years already, however, its realization became a necessity only recently as it turned out that the progress ofthe work of those members of the German Society for Classification who are not so much interested in mathematical-statistical procedures is seriously hampered by the fact that the council elections at the membership assembly at Augsburg, April 11, 1989, resulted in an almost total “victory” of mathematicians and statisticians over the experts from library and information science…

The Founding of the „International Society for Knowledge Organization“, Frankfurt, July 22, 1989. International Classification, 16(2 Announcement), 1989: 71-72

(cc) BY Nomos eLibrary und Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft

Related Resources:

  • Rick Szostak and Peter Ohly: The International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO). (Version 1.0) In: Birger Hjørland; Claudio Gnoli (Eds.): ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization (IEKO). International Society for Knowledge Organization, 14 September 2020 Full text from publisher »
  • ISKO News 1. International Classification, 16(3), 1989: 163-170 Full text from publisher »
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