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Infodom has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Regional Business Process and Knowledge Management Conference (BPM&KM), 9. – 10. juni 2009, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Conference Theme: Competitiveness through innovation and business process managementRegionalna konferencija o poslovnim procesima i upravljanju znanjem: Konkurentnost kroz inovacije i upravljanje poslovnim procesima
(Co-organizer: School of Economics and Business Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Sarajevo, University of Sarajevo)
At the conference leading local and foreign experts from private and public sectors and higher education sector present their newest knowledge and acquired experiences in the field of business process and knowledge management.
Innovative management of business processes on the ARIS Platform, or – how to always be better!
Knowledge extraction from public sources and semantic middle layerPlenary Presentations:
Competitiveness through innovation and business process management
Gartner Hype Cycle for BPM and KM
Management of knowledge and processes to better service in public administration
Working framework for the introduction of e-Business in the economy
How far is distance learning?
How to build a knowledge company: from learning and innovation to competitive advantage
Strategic cost reduction – Development and implementation of programs to reduce costs and create a sustainable operating platformConference Tracks:
Business Process Management in Economy (e-Commerce)
Business Process Management in Public Administration (e-Governance and e-Justice)
Knowledge Management (KMS)
Good Practice Examples