Knowledge Globalization Institute (KGLOBAL)*
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The Knowledge Globalization Institute (KGLOBAL) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Knowledge Globalization Conference*
(Co-organizer: Sawyer Business School, Suffolk University)- The Knowledge Globalization Conference brings together scholars, thought leaders, and innovators in academia and practitioners to share knowledge in their respective fields. This sharing of knowledge contributes to new ideas and innovations which are relevant for economic and social changes. Each conference is built around a broad theme. In addition to the traditional KGLOBAL, organized in Boston, an International Knowledge Globalization Conference (ICKG) is organized in an emerging country. (2010-2015)
Conference Themes:
2021: Pandemic and Reframing Higher Education: Realigning Goals in Education, Technology, Health, and Environment (CANCELLED)
2018: Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) – Success and Challenges
2015: Managing in Diverse Cultures; Building Educational Excellence in Higher Education
2014: Entrepreneurship: Teaching, Learning and Practice; Strategic Thinking and Global Changes (with special emphasis on energy and business analytics)
2013: Strategic Thinking and Global Changes (with special emphasis on energy and business analytics); Enabling Global Transitions through Innovation
2012: The Future of Higher Education; Managing Challenges of Emerging Economies
2011: Knowledge Sharing for Organizational Effectiveness: With Emphasis on Global Supply Chain, and Economic and Social Aspects of Poverty; Sustainable transformation through global knowledge sharing: empowerment by attainment of social, political, economic and ethical goals
2010: Sustainable transformation through global knowledge sharing: empowerment by attainment of social, political, economic and ethical goals; Empowerment through knowledge sharing and orogress through knowledge transfer (helping countries to attain financial, economic and social goals)
2009: Knowledge Globalization: Knowing, Sharing, and Changing
2008: Knowledge Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities from Organizational Perspectives
Knowledge Globalization Workshops
- Understanding, Managing and Implementing Change (Bangladesh)
KGlobal University (KGU) Courses
- Professional and Skill development Courses
- Change Management