Zusammenfassung: Dr.-Ing. Peter Heisig berichtet über eine von ihm mit organisierten und durchgeführten Wissensmanagement-Studientour, in der vom 26. bis 30. April 2009 achtzehn Delegierte aus dreizehn Ländern Firmen und Organisationen in Deutschland besuchen konnten, die als führend im Thema Wissensmanagement in den letzten Jahren ausgezeichnet wurden. “The amount of practical KM sharing was phenomenal,
Knowledge Management Education in Library and Information Science Schools
Abstract: Introduction. As an emerging and multidisciplinary field, knowledge management (KM) has gained much popularity among academic and professional disciplines. Library and information science (LIS) embraced KM during the mid-nineties, and in the context of the adoption of KM, this study aims at exploring the current state of KM education offered by LIS schools.
Concept for preparing students for knowledge management
Abstract: In today’s society the ability to practice individual knowledge management has become a core competence. Schools are still the most important institutions for education and thus it is their duty to prepare students for their future (professional) life. Imparting knowledge management competences is a basic necessity that can be beneficial for the schools
Investigando una concentración de gestión del conocimiento para el programa de posgrado BCI en la Universidad de Puerto Rico
Resumen: Esta investigación complementó un estudio previo de los mismos autores que confirmó la viabilidad de establecer una oferta académica en gestión del conocimiento a fin de potenciar esta disciplina y campo profesional en Puerto Rico y la región del Caribe. La investigación se dio en el contexto del proceso de actualización curricular de
So, just what is a knowledge cafe?
Full text from publisher » (no figures) David Gurteen: So, just what is a knowledge cafe?