The Knowledge Librarian

Abstract: Both the private and public sectors have been steadily downsizing and closing their physical libraries, which some consider to be nothing more than warehouses that take up space and lose money. Thinkers like us saw them as nice, quiet spaces where we could hide from the boss and escape the annoying distractions of

Knowledge Management Certification Again

Weblogs | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: Christian Young blogs about what a curriculum for a KM certification course might look like – he distinguishes nicely between the people who need to know about KM and the people who want to progress through it professionally, via both theory and practice. I’ve written about the politics of KM certification here, and

Zertifikatslehrgang ‘Wissensmanager (IHK)’ 2009 in Mannheim

Providers | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

(©) Der Blended-Learning-Lehrgang Wissensmanager IHK (Flyer) wird 2009 gemeinsam von der IHK Karlsruhe und der IHK Rhein-Neckar angeboten. Die Präsenztage finden samstags in den Räumen der IHK Rhein-Neckar in Mannheim statt. Erster Präsenztag ist der 14.02.2009 von 09.-17.00 Uhr. Ansprechpartnerin bei der IHK Rhein-Neckar ist Frau Dörsam (Telefon: 0621 / 1709-183,