Companies With Positions In Knowledge Management

Abstract: Dés 1990, le projet IMKA (Initiative for Managing Knowledge Assets) définissait la notion de capital de connaissances : “knowledge assets are (defined as) those assets that are primary in the minds of company’s employees. They include design experience, engineering skills, financial analysis skills, and competitive knowledge” [Grundstein, 91]. Dans les pays anglo-saxons, le

Who’s in charge of knowledge management?

Abstract: THOUSANDS OF COMPANIES worldwide are spending millions of dollars on knowledge management systems. But fewer than 20% of these systems enhance the bottom line, while more than 30% are outright failures. Who’s responsible? Who can make the concept sing?

Knowledge leaders: a new breed of manager

Abstract: With all the fanfare of a newly sanctioned extreme sport on ESPN, knowledge management has captured the attention of executives throughout the global corporate arena. Those who are succeeding have observed firsthand that knowledge management is much more than an amalgamation of technologies. In contrast, the one thing that frequently distinguishes knowledge management