Lund University
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The Lund University (Swedish: Lunds universitet), successor of a Franciscan studium generale, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
Department of Business Administration
- Master of Science (MSc) in Managing People, Knowledge and Change
(MSc in Business and Economics, major in Business Administration; with International Master Class (IMC) programme1))
- 4th International Triple Helix Conference 2002, 6-9 November 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark | Lund, Sweden
Conference Theme: Breaking Boundaries and Building Bridges
(Host: Department of Management, Politics & Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School; School of Economics and Management, Lund University)
Lund University Libraries
NetLab – Research and Development Department
- Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Special Meeting 2002, April 12, 2002, Lund University Libraries, Lund, Sweden
Meeting Theme: Discussion of standard developments regarding the use of thesauri, classification and other KO systems on the net
(Co-located with NetLab (Department) and Friends of Conference)
Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology > Department of History > Lund Centre for the History of Knowledge (LUCK)
Summer School in the History of Knowledge (Swedish/Skandinavian language courses for PhD students & early postdocs)
- Aug 2024: Doctoral Summer School in the History of Knowledge @ Lund (4 days)
Aug 2023: 4th Summer School in the History of Knowledge @ Lund (4 days)
Aug 2022: 3rd Summer School in the History of Knowledge @ Lund (4 days)
Aug 2021: 2nd Summer School in the History of Knowledge @ Lund (4 days)
Aug 2020: 1st Summer School in the History of Knowledge @ Lund (4 days)
- Nov 2022: Material culture and the history of knowledge (1/2 day)
Mar 2022: Actors of Knowledge (2 days)
Mar 2019: Politics of Knowledge: between particularity and universalism (3 days)
History of Knowledge seminar series @LUCK (Spring & Autumn; selected seminars)
- Dec 2022: Presentation of the new international yearbook: History of Intellectual Culture
Nov 2022: Knowledge workers: Craft and creativity in a long term perspective
Oct 2022: Kunskapscirkulation i och genom arbetsliv (Knowledge circulation in and through working life); Text seminar: Professionshistoria och kunskapsarbetare (Text seminar: Professional history and knowledge worker)
May 2022: Exploring Knowledge in the History of Education: New Perspectives · The freedom and autonomy of higher education in Sweden 1945–2020
Apr 2022: Science at the Fair: Performing Knowledge and Technology in Western Europe, 1850-1914
Oct 2021: Kropp, känsla och kunskap (Body, feeling and knowledge)
Sep 2021: The History of Ignorance
May 2021: Knowledge Regimes of Economic Inequality: Statistics and Narratives in Thatcher’s Britain; Kunskapshistoria på gång – två nya avhandlingar presenteras (History of knowledge underway – two new theses are presented)
Feb 2021: Från religiös kultur till konfessionell kunskap (From religious culture to confessional knowledge)
Dec 2020: Textseminarium: Vi diskuterar preimiärnumret av Journal for the History of Knowledge (Text Seminar: We discuss the premiere issue of the Journal for the History of Knowledge)
Nov 2020: A theory and method for the history of knowledge; History of knowledge meets history of education
Sep 2020: Histories of Knowledge in Postwar Scandinavia
May 2020: Visiting Fellows: Economic education, ideas of knowledge and geography as the eye of history (CANCELLED)
Apr 2020: Peter Burke “A History of Ignorance?” (CANCELLED)
Mar 2020: Forms of Knowledge + Centrum för kunskapshistoria (LUCK) (CANCELLED)
Dec 2019: Textseminarium: Kunskap, information och infrastruktur (Text seminar: Kunskap, information och infrastructure)
Nov 2019: Utbildningshistoria och kunskapshistoria (History of education and history of knowledge)
Oct 2019: Kunnskap og definisjonsmakt i et antropologisk teori
Sep 2019: Om litterär översättning som källa till kunskap (On literary translation as a source of knowledge)
May 2019: Books, Medicine and the Household: Tracing Knowledge Itineraries in Early Modern England
Apr 2019: Efterkrigstidens kunskapshistoria: Cirkulation av humanistisk kunskap i offentligheten (Postwar History of Knowledge: Circulation of Humanistic Knowledge in the Public)
Feb 2019: Kunskapshistoria under debatt (History of knowledge under debate)
Nov 2018: Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien: en kunskaps institutions historia (The Royal Academy of Sciences: the history of an institution of knowledge)
Oct 2018: Circulation or Communication? Rethinking Knowledge in Transit
May 2018: Praktisk kunskap (Practical knowledge)
Mar 2018: Book history as history of knowledge
Feb 2018: Textseminarium:Vi läser utdrag ur den nyutkomna tidskriften KNOW: A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge (We read excerpts from the newly published journal KNOW: A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge)
Jan 2018: Boksläpp / Book Release: Circulation of Knowledge
Dec 2017: Nya tendenser i kunskapshistoria: Knowledge and Migration (New trends in the history of knowledge: Knowledge and Migration)
Nov 2017: History of knowledge – potentials and challenges
Oct 2017: Vägar till kunskapshistoria (Paths to the history of knowledge)